I Can-T Help Falling In Love 情不自禁 (韓劇;I- T-BiLi 間接膽紅素;I-ZD-T 仔貂條;F-A-I-T-H 信心之歌;I wear T-shirts 我穿T恤;
1.The couple said, "We just do Christianity L-I-T-E" for Greer, who "believes in angels and fairies, leprechauns and Santa Claus. 他們強調:「我們只要給葛瑞兒一點點基督教精神,她還是會相信天使啊、小仙女啊、小妖精跟聖誕老人的。」
2.Hit-the-spot. Hit, h-i-t. The spot, s-p-o-t. For example, if you are hungry and go eat you could say, "That food really hit the spot. "" 嗯~,在中文裡也有這個說法哦.肚子非常餓的時候去吃飯,吃飽了就感到心滿意足.疑?那~,洗個熱水澡真痛快,那該怎麼說呢?
3.Hit-the-spot. Hit, h-i-t. ? The spot, s-p-o-t. For example, if you are hungry and go eat you could say, "That food really hit the spot. "" 嗯~,在中文裡也有這個說法哦。肚子非常餓的時候去吃飯,吃飽了就感到心滿意足。疑?那~,洗個熱水澡真痛快,那該怎麼說呢?