





mammary['mæməri]adj. 乳腺的;乳房的


mammary 乳房的;胸的;乳腺的;乳的;mammary dysplasia 乳腺結構不良;mammary extract 乳腺提取物;牛乳房提取物;Mammary Papilla 乳房表面正中為乳頭;乳頭;乳頭=>乳頭;mammary prosthesis 人工乳房;釋義:乳房假體;


1.Cannot mammary gland hyperplasia drink honey water? 乳腺增生不能喝蜂蜜水嗎?

2.What reason causes proliferation of female mammary gland? 女性乳腺增生是什麼原因引起的?

3.It is the first evidence, to our knowledge, for progesterone-driven dynamic shifts in the mammary stem cell pool. 就目前我們的知識而言,在乳腺干細胞池中孕激素驅動的動態改變是第一手證據。


implantation of internal mammary artery - 乳內動脈植入術

internal mammary lymph nodes; lymphoglandulae mammariae internae - 乳內淋巴結

medial mammary branches; rami mammarii mediales - 乳房內側支

arteria mammaria interma; internal mammary artery - 乳房內動脈

internal mammary artery graft - 乳房內動脈移植

mammary region; regio mammalis - 乳房區

mammary development - 乳房發育

partial excision of mammary duct - 乳房導管部分除術

mammary branches; rami mammarii - 乳房支

engorgement of breast; mammary swelling; mammaryswelling - 乳房腫脹

mammary swelling; mammaryswelling - 乳房脹

breast abscess; mammary abscess; mammaryabscess - 乳房膿腫

mammary adenoma - 乳房腺瘤

mamma forceps; mammary clamps - 乳房鉗

areola mammae; areola of mamma; areola of nipple; areola papillaris; mammary areola - 乳暈

mammary fistula - 乳漏

breast cellulitis; deep-seated mammary absess - 乳疽

mammary tuberculosis; puberty mastitis - 乳癆

fistula of nipple; lacteal fistula; mammary fistula - 乳瘺

mammary calculus - 乳石

blocking of mammary tube - 乳管堵塞

mammary duct ectasia - 乳管擴張症

engorgement of breast; mammary swelling; mammaryswelling - 乳脹

glandula mammaria; mammary gland - 乳腺

epithelial tumor of mammary glands - 乳腺上皮腫瘤

intra-epithelial carcinoma of mammary glands; pagets disease of breast - 乳腺佩吉特氏病

mammary dysplasia - 乳腺發育不良

lobes of mammary gland; lobi glandulae mammariae - 乳腺葉

lactation mammary abscess - 乳腺哺乳期膿腫

hyperplasia of mammary glands - 乳腺增生

ducthyperplasia of mammary glands - 乳腺導增管生

mammary ductography - 乳腺導管造影

lobule of mammary gland; lobuli glandulae mammariae - 乳腺小葉

mammary hormone; mammin - 乳腺激素

furuncle of mammary glands - 乳腺癤腫

fistula of mammary glands - 乳腺瘺

mammary tumor virus - 乳腺瘤病毒

mammary cancer - 乳腺癌

dermoid cyst of mammary glands - 乳腺皮樣囊腫

mammary duct ectasia - 乳腺管擴張

hyperplasia of mammary glands - 乳腺組織增生

granuloma of mammary glands - 乳腺肉芽腫

abscess of breast; mammary abscess; mammaryabscess - 乳腺膿腫

adenosis of mammary glands - 乳腺腺病

occlusion of mammary glands - 乳腺閉合

mammary abscess; mammaryabscess - 吹奶

mammary abscess in puerperium; postartum mastitis; postpartum mastitis - 外吹

gesftating mammary gland - 妊娠期乳腺

mouse mammary adenoma virus - 小鼠乳腺瘤病毒

coopers suspensory ligaments; suspensory ligaments of mammary gland - 庫柏氏懸韌帶


n.乳腺腺病 - adenosis of mammary glands

良性乳腺疾患 - benign mammary gland disease

n.乳管堵塞 - blocking of mammary tube

培養乳房癌細胞 - cultured mammary carcinoma cell

n.乳疽 - deep-seated mammary absess

n.乳腺皮樣囊腫 - dermoid cyst of mammary glands

n.乳腺導增管生 - ducthyperplasia of mammary glands

n.乳腺上皮腫瘤 - epithelial tumor of mammary glands

n.乳腺瘺 - fistula of mammary glands

n.乳腺癤腫 - furuncle of mammary glands

n.妊娠期乳腺 - gesftating mammary gland

n.乳腺肉芽腫 - granuloma of mammary glands

n.乳腺增生,乳腺組織增生 - hyperplasia of mammary glands

n.乳內動脈植入術 - implantation of internal mammary artery

n.乳房內動脈 - internal mammary artery

n.乳房內動脈移植 - internal mammary artery graft

n.乳內淋巴結 - internal mammary lymph nodes

n.乳腺佩吉特氏病 - intra-epithelial carcinoma of mammary glands

青少年的乳房癌擴散列肺 - juvenile progressive mammary cancer spread to lung

n.乳腺哺乳期膿腫 - lactation mammary abscess

n.乳腺葉 - lobes of mammary gland

n.乳腺小葉 - lobule of mammary gland

乳腺小葉 - lobules of mammary gland

n.乳房內側支 - medial mammary branches

n.小鼠乳腺瘤病毒 - mouse mammary adenoma virus

小鼠乳腺 - mouse mammary tumor virus

小鼠乳腺瘤病毒 - murine mammary tumor virus

n.乳腺閉合 - occlusion of mammary glands

n.乳房導管部分除術 - partial excision of mammary duct

n.繼發性乳腺癌 - secondary carcinoma of mammary gland

自生乳瘤 - spontaneous mammary tumor

n.庫柏氏懸韌帶 - suspensory ligaments of mammary gland

動物癌移植 - transplantation mammary carcinoma

乳暈靜脈環 - venous circle of mammary gland

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