Medico-Legal Society 釋義:法醫學會;medico 醫師;醫生;醫學生;大夫 醫生;Medico Containment 摩托羅拉;Dal medico 就診;medico ot 醫用聚光筆;
1.Subject_Topical_Eng: Pathobiology of Legal Medicine; Serology of Legal Medicine; Clinical Legal Medicine; Anthropology of Legal Medicine; Chemistry of Legal Medicine. 法醫病理學;法醫血清學;臨床法醫學;法醫人類學;法醫化學。
2.Cutaneous pathomimesis are seen by dermatologist, plastic surgeon, medico legal practitioner and diagnostic is difficult. 皮膚科醫生、整形外科醫生和醫學-法律從業者可遇到皮膚科模仿病,診斷很困難。
3.To accurately analysis the reasons post-trauma vision disorder so that provider correctly medico-legal expertise, the typical expertise cases were introduced in this paper. 正確分析眼外傷後出現視力障礙的原因,以保證法醫學鑒定的準確性。
4.Various legal services in respect of industry &commerce, taxation, foreign exchange, trust, lease and etc; legal witness and allograph, as well as other services within the legal frame. 在工商、稅務、外匯、信託、租賃等領域為客戶提供各種形式的法律服務;進行律師見證、代書等;法律不禁止的其他律師業務。
5.Various legal services in respect of industry &commerce, taxation, foreign exchange, trust, lease and etc. ; legal witness and allograph, as well as other services within the legal frame. 在工商、稅務、外匯、信託、租賃等領域,為客戶提供各種形式的法律法務;進行律師見證、代書等;法律不禁止的其他律師業務。