phenomenalism[fi'nɔminəlizəm, fə-]n. [哲]現象論
phenomenalism 現象論;現象主義;唯象論;
1.By the 20th century, views similar to Berkeley's were called phenomenalism. 到20世紀,類似伯克利的觀點是所謂的現象論。
2.A platonistic ontology of this sort is, from the point of view of a strictly physicalistic conceptual scheme, as much a myth as that physicalistic conceptual scheme itself is for phenomenalism. 從嚴格的物理主義的觀點看來,這樣的柏拉圖主義本體論也是神話,正如從現象主義看來,那個物理主義的概念結構本身是神話一樣。
3.The third conclusion is that the educational essence could not be regarded as the object of knowledge in Realism and Idealism. But it is the object of knowledge in Phenomenalism and Constructivism. 第三,教育本質不能成為實在論和觀念論意義上的認識對象,可以部分的成為現象論意義上的認識對象,完全能夠成為建構論意義上的認識對像;