





Acousticon audiphone deaf-aid hearing aid hearing aids 助聽器;acouophone acousticon audiphone deaf aid hearing aid osophone 助聽器;acouophone acousticon audiphone deaf aid hearing aid osophone 助聽器;Acousticon audiphone deaf-aid hearing aid hearing aids 助聽器;Acousticon audiphone deaf-aid hearing aid hearing aids 助聽器;


1.Documents submitted by the applicant and proof materials that meet the conditions of legal aid, legal aid agencies should be timely provision of legal aid decision. 申請人所提交的證件和證明材料齊全,認為符合法律援助條件的,法律援助機構應當及時決定提供法律援助。

2.This thesis introduces a type of portable field first -aid diagnosis bed used in field medical aid station. 一種適用於野戰救護所的便攜式野戰急救診斷床。

3.Base on considering developing countries and developing economics, Ishikawa Shigeru lucubrates to the problem of aid policy, and advances new model of aid policy. 基於對發展中國家的考慮與發展經濟學的需要,石川滋近年來提出新發展援助模型,對發展援助問題進行深入研究。

4.Officials say the aid stoppage does not affect humanitarian aid sent to relief agencies. 官員說,停止援助並不影響送往救援機構的人道救援。

5.According to documents submitted by the applicant and evidence that do not meet the conditions of legal aid, should inform the applicant does not provide grounds for legal aid. 根據申請人所提交的證件和證明材料,認為不符合法律援助條件的,應當告知申請人不提供法律援助的理由。


a ticklish business which is achieved with the aid of two tame elephants roped to the captive on either side. - 這是一件棘手的事,需要在它兩側拴上兩頭馴服的大象才能完成。

I've just called the Frist Aid Centre. - 我剛才已經給急救中心打了電話。


first aid of wounded - 傷員救護

tranquilize the mind and aid digestion - 安神健胃

factory first aid kit - 工廠急救包

voluntary aid detachment - 志願救護隊

first aid kit - 急救包

emergency treatment; emergencytreatment; first aid traatment - 急救措施

the first aid treatment - 急救治療

first aid kit; first-aid case - 急救箱

medical aid station - 救護所

aid station; casualty station; first-aid station - 救護站

aid treatment - 酸處理

first aid of fracture - 骨折急救


n.空氣傳導助聽器 - air conduction hearing aid

n.碳精助聽器 - carbon hearing aid

診斷輔助,診斷輔助物 - diagnostic aid

伸展輔助裝置 - extension aid

n.工廠急救包 - factory first aid kit

n.急救,緊急處理;n.急求 - first aid

救急箱 - first aid box

n.急救包,急救箱 - first aid kit

n.骨折急救 - first aid of fracture

n.傷員救護 - first aid of wounded

n.急救措施 - first aid traatment

n.助濾劑 - filter aid

n.固定助聽器 - fixed hearing aid

n.折疊式步行扶架 - folding walking aid

n.集體助聽器 - group hearing aid

有助健康 - health aid

n.助聽器 - hearing aid

助殘幫助 - invalid aid

n.機械助聽器 - mechanical hearing aid

醫務救護 - medical aid

n.救護所 - medical aid station

相互幫助 - mutual aid

護士輔助 - nurse aid

藥學助解 - pharmaceutic aid

n.攜帶式助聽器 - portable hearing aid

實際幫助 - practical aid

加工助劑 - processing aid

助講器,助講療法 - speech aid

n.急救治療 - the first aid treatment

n.安神健胃 - tranquilize the mind and aid digestion

n.超聲助行儀 - ultrasonic walking aid

n.真空管助聽器 - vacuumtube hearing aid

n.志願救護隊 - voluntary aid detachment

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