gawked[ɡɔ:k]n. 呆子;靦腆的人vi. 呆呆地看著
gawked 呆視的;
1.They cried, swayed, laughed and gawked in a memorial service that was religious pageant meets awards show. 人們在這場帶有宗教色彩的追思會上痛哭,跟著節奏搖擺,大小甚至發呆。
2.Dan just gawked at her which made Emma look at him with a questioning expression which soon turned to a challenging gaze. 丹呆呆得望著她,這使得艾瑪不由露出疑惑的表情,但繼而這種表情轉變成一種挑逗的神色。
3.Take two was starting off, Emma was coming down the stairs in a rush, Rupert gawked at Emma and told her she looked beautiful and then grinned at her sheepishly. 第二次拍攝開始了,艾瑪急匆匆地走下樓梯,魯珀特呆呆地望著她,對她說她看起來很漂亮,然後就衝著她羞怯地咧嘴笑。