





n. crank ,drinking glass ,field glass ,glassfulv. glass in ,glass over ,glaze ,glaze over


glass[ɡlɑ:s, ɡlæs]n. 玻璃;玻璃製品;鏡子vt. 反映;給某物加玻璃vi. 成玻璃狀


glass 玻璃杯;玻璃;小心玻璃;料石 玻璃;tapering glass 圓錐形酒杯;圓錐形酒杯 飲料類;圓錐形酒盃;圓錐形酒杯 (實習編輯:顧萍);glass paper 玻璃砂紙;砂紙;玻璃紙;玻璃沙紙;glass ceiling 玻璃天花板;玻璃屋頂;阻礙某人陞遷的無形障礙;天花板;glass wool 玻璃棉;玻璃絨;玻璃綿;玻璃棉,玻璃毛;


1.Mother poured some milk into my glass. 母親給我杯子裡倒了些牛奶。

2.The best contraceptive is a glass of cold water: not before or after but instead. 最好的避孕方法是一杯冷水:不是在之前或之後,而是用它代替。

3.Know about the carpet shampoo, marble crystallization, glass cleaning, metal polishing and machine operation. 掌握地毯清洗、大理石結晶、玻璃刮洗、金屬拋光和機器操作。


Yes, I'd like a glass of ginger ale with ice. - 是的 我要一杯加冰塊的姜味汽水。

I brought you a chicken sandwich and a glass of milk. - 我替你帶來一份 肉三明治和一杯牛奶。

Experts say that a glass of red wine occasionally will do one's health a world of good. - 專家說偶爾喝杯經酒對身體很有好處。

He has a glass of juice. - 他有一杯果汁。

I had a glass of water. - 我喝了一杯水。

Please sit down and have a glass of juice. - 請坐下來喝一杯果汁。

Please sit down and have a glass of milk. - 請坐下來喝一杯牛奶。

He who lives in glass house should not throw stones. - 正人先正己。

Nature is the glass reflecting truth. - 大自然是反應真理的一面鏡子。

Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones. - 自己有短處,不要揭別人的短處。

Have a glass of whisky then. - 那麼,來杯威士忌吧。

Thanks, Carol.May I have a glass of beer please? - 謝謝,卡羅爾。給我一杯啤酒好嗎?

He asked me for a meal and a glass of beer. - 問我要一頓飯和一杯啤酒。

He calls at every house in the street once a month and always asks for a meal and a glass of beer. - 他每月對這條街上的每戶人家光顧一次,總是請求給他一頓飯和一杯啤酒。

Forest fires are often caused by broken glass or by cigarette ends which people carelessly throw away. - 森林火災時常由破碎的玻璃或人們隨手扔掉的香煙頭引起。

The more expensive kind of antique shop where rare objects are beautifully displayed in glass cases to keep them free from dust is usually a forbidding place. - 高檔一點的古玩店為了防塵,把文物漂亮地陳列在玻璃櫃子裡,那裡往往令人望而卻步。

you have the choice of very expensive organically-grown vegetables or a steady diet of pesticides every time you think you're eating fresh salads and vegetables, or just having an innocent glass of water! - 或是選用價格昂貴、有機培植的蔬菜,或是當你認為在享用新鮮色拉和新鮮蔬菜或飲用一杯無害的水的時候,實際上每次都不斷吃進殺蟲劑。

The parquet floors shone like mirrors; highly polished silver was displayed in gleaming glass cabinets; even my uncle's huge collection of books was kept miraculously free from dust. - 鑲木地板潔如明鏡,擦得發亮的銀器陳列在明亮的玻璃櫃裡,連姑夫的大量藏書也保存得很好,奇跡般地一塵不染。

We can perhaps forgive those who said the moons of Jupiter were produced by Galileo's spyglass if we recall that in his day, as for centuries before, curved glass was the popular contrivance for producing not truth but illusion, untruth; - 如果我們回想一下伽利略之前幾個世紀期間,曲面鏡一直是一種用於產生幻影而不是產生真像的把戲裝置,那麼我們就會原諒那些當時把伽利略觀察到的木星衛生說成是伽利略用他的小望遠鏡變出來的人們,

and if a single curved glass would distort nature, how much more would a pair of them? - 何況一片曲面鏡就可歪曲自然,那麼伽利略的兩片曲面鏡對自然的歪曲又該多大呢?

Well, would you like something to drink? What about a glass of milk? - 你想喝些什麼嗎?要不要一杯牛奶?

When she reached home, she had a short rest and a glass of water. - 到家後她休息了一陣子,喝了一杯水。

Every day you can have one apple, one orange, one piece of dry bread, and a glass of water. - 你每天可以吃一個蘋果,一個桔子,一塊麵包,還有一杯水。

Yes, for breakfast he had some bread, two eggs, some fruit and a glass of milk. - 吃了,他早餐吃了麵包、兩隻雞蛋、一些水果,還喝了一杯牛奶。

Which would you like, a cup of tea or a glass of milk? - 你想來點什麼,一杯茶還是一杯牛奶?

Neither, thanks. I think I'll just have a glass of water. - 那個都行。我想還是來一杯水吧。

He built a glass wall through which he could watch what went on inside. - 他建造一堵玻璃牆,透過玻璃牆他能夠觀察裡面發生的事情。

He put a glass dish with sugar water and honey to the west of the hive. A marked bee fed itself from the dish and returned to the hive. - 他在蜂箱的西面放一個裝有糖水和蜜蜂的玻璃碟子。


three-way glass stopcock - 三通玻璃栓

glass blowers emphysema - 吹玻璃工肺氣腫

intered glass fllter - 垂熔玻璃濾器

sintered glass fllter candle - 垂熔玻璃濾棒

sintered glass fllter-bulb - 垂熔玻璃濾球

sintered glass funnel - 垂熔玻璃漏斗

fritted glass separator - 多孔玻璃分離器

fritted glass filter plate - 多孔玻璃濾板

plain glass spectacles - 平光眼鏡

micro glass beads - 微玻璃珠

glass pipette for grafting - 植皮用玻璃吸管

sintered glass bead - 燒結玻璃珠

fused glass cell - 熔化玻璃試池

glass triangle - 玻璃三角

glass silk - 玻璃絲

glass products; glass wares - 玻璃製品

glass ware wanher - 玻璃製品洗滌器

glass manometer - 玻璃壓力計

glass tongue depressor - 玻璃壓舌板

glass wares - 玻璃器具

n. glass pad - 玻璃墊

ampulla vitrea; glass ampul - 玻璃安瓿

glass continer - 玻璃容器

glass rays - 玻璃射線

capillary glass microelectrode; glassmicroelectrode - 玻璃微電極

glass rod - 玻璃桿

glass pestle - 玻璃杵

glass staining trough - 玻璃染色槽

glass like; glasslike; hyaline; hyaloid - 玻璃樣的

glass rod - 玻璃棒

n. glass cavity - 玻璃模腔

glass capillary electrode method - 玻璃毛細管電極法

glass injector; glass syringe - 玻璃注射器

glass applicator - 玻璃塗藥棒

n. glass lubrication process - 玻璃潤滑工藝

n. glass lubrication process - 玻璃潤滑法

glass thermometer - 玻璃溫度計

glass filter; glassfilter - 玻璃濾器

glass funnel - 玻璃漏斗

glass bead; glasspearls - 玻璃珠

n. glass bead technique - 玻璃珠技術

glass bead cylinder method - 玻璃珠柱法

n. glass bead technique - 玻璃球製造工藝

glass electrode ph meter - 玻璃電極PH計

glass dish; glassplate - 玻璃皿

glass mortar - 玻璃研缽

n. glass cavity - 玻璃空腔

glass window cell - 玻璃窗口試池

glass tube - 玻璃管

n. glass powder - 玻璃粉末


n.全玻璃的 - all glass

n.棕色玻璃 - amber glass

n.天平讀鏡 - balance reading glass

n.玻璃鐘罩 - bell glass

n.雙焦點眼鏡 - bifocal glass

n.硼硅玻璃 - borosilicate glass

n.玻璃微電極 - capillary glass microelectrode

n.粘固粉玻璃板 - cement glass plate

n.化學玻璃 - chemical glass

n.有色玻璃 - colored glass

n.顯微鏡蓋玻片 - cover glass

n.科內特氏鉗 - cover glass forceps

冕牌玻璃,無鉛玻璃 - crown glass

n.火罐,吸杯 - cupping glass

n.點藥玻璃杯 - dappen medicament glass

n.細胞玻棒 - fine glass rod

n.氧化鉛玻璃,燧石玻璃 - flint glass

n.多孔玻璃濾板 - fritted glass filter plate

n.多孔玻璃分離器 - fritted glass separator

n.熔化玻璃試池 - fused glass cell

n.磨口玻璃儀器 - ground glass apparatus

n.磨口玻璃接頭 - ground glass joint

毛玻璃樣陰影 - ground glass opacity

n.硬玻璃 - hard glass

n.帶凹孔載物片 - hole-slide glass

n.垂熔玻璃濾器 - intered glass fllter

n.鉛玻璃 - lead glass

n.硅酸鈉 - liquid glass

n.放大鏡 - magnifying glass

n.量杯 - measuring glass

醫用玻璃 - medical glass

n.微玻璃珠 - micro glass beads

n.含鉬玻璃 - molybdenum glass

n.中性玻璃 - neutral glass

n.對物鏡,物鏡 - object glass

n.光學玻璃 - optical glass

醫療站 - pharmaceutical glass

n.平光眼鏡 - plain glass spectacles

n.玻璃板,平板玻璃 - plate glass

n.多孔玻璃 - porous glass

n.石英玻璃 - quartz glass

n.讀數放大鏡 - read glass

n.四硫化砷,雄黃 - red arsenic glass

n.安全玻璃,不碎玻璃 - safety glass

沙漏胃 - sand glass stomach

n.防震玻璃電極 - shock-proof glass electrode

n.硅膠燒結玻璃板 - silica gel-sintered glass plate

n.石英玻璃 - silica glass

n.燒結玻璃 - sintered glass

n.燒結玻璃珠 - sintered glass bead


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