bellied lapel 弧線翻領;western dressmaking shop lapel 翻領;kimono lapel 和尚領;lapel (上衣)翻領;襟貼;駁頭;翻領;notch lapel 平駁頭;平駁頭 菱領 缺嘴領;
1.Our professional designers create a bridal bouquet with roses, freesias and other varieties in tender pinks and whites along with a handsome matching rose boutonniere to decorate the groom's lapel. 專業設計師選用水晶布、長春籐及絲帶裝飾新娘花束,花材包括玫瑰、較剪蘭、荷蘭襯花及綠葉等,另配以玫瑰新郎襟花一個。
2.Multi-purpose ruler. Used for lapel, elbow, skirt, slack, trouser, or anywhere a special contour is needed. 透明材質服裝專業多功能曲線尺,可用於劃各種彎位。內置刻線經久耐用。
3.There exist shortcomings in one way or another in the commonly used methods for calculating lapel ease allowance. 當領面、領座採用一些特定配比值時,用現有一些方法計算易出現誤差。
4.From suit silhouettes, pricing and fashionable obsolescence to pant fronts, button counts and lapel widths, there much to consider. 從服裝的款式、價格、式樣新舊到褲子前部的做法、紐扣數及翻領的寬度,要考慮很多問題。
5.Oh, and flowers—I got a wristlet for Sue, a flower for my lapel and two poinsettias for the mantel. 對,還得有花兒什麼的—我給休買了一個手鐲,給自己西服的翻領配了朵小花,還買了兩盆一品紅放在壁爐台上。
but in the lapel pocket. - 但是在胸前的口袋。