





n. wherefore


why[hwai]int. 哎呀!什麼?adv. 為什麼


Why 如何;為什麼;原因;Wally-Hermes Yachts;Why unhappy 為何不快樂;Thats Why 歐美歌曲精選;我生命的鑰匙;你離開的原由 下載;我生命的鑰匙 下載;Why Christmas 為什麼有聖誕節?;Why can 為什麼我們不能就是自己就像昨天的我們一樣;可為什麼;


1.This is why it was good news. 這就是為什麼那是個好消息。

2.Prince: Yes, so it is. But why? 王子:是的,是到午夜了,怎麼了?

3.Getting more education is the most obvious way to invest in your career, but why not go further? 獲得更多教育是投資於自己事業最為明顯的方式,但是,為什麼不更進一步?


Well, why didn't you tell me?! Now, what's the restaurant's address? - 那你為什麼不早告訴我?餐廳的地址是?

What's the reason why you left your previous employer? - 你離開原來那個僱主的原因是什麼?

any just cause why these two people - 任何正當理由說明這兩位

Then why don't we fix a date for a game one of these days? - 那麼我們為什麼不在這幾天中訂個日子來打一場比賽呢?

The first is why you choose our company. - 第一個問題是你為什麼要選擇我們的公司。

Uh, why does he always have to slam the door? - 唉 為什麼他老是砰一聲地關上門

Well, why don't you tell us about that, Michelle? - 那好,能否給我們講一講 Michelle?

Well, then why are you so sad? - 那你為什麼如此難過?

Hey, why don't we go out - 嘿,我們何不出去

so why don't we get right to work? - 我們現在就開始工作, 好嗎?

Columbia? Why Columbia? - Columbia?為什麼要去Columbia?

Then why are you and Daddy - 那為什麼你和爸爸

Then why don't we go look at this house, too? - 那我們何不也去看看這棟房子?

In fact, that is the reason why I'm here to see you. - 事實上 這是我來見你的原因。

So, why don't you call him in the morning? - 那麼你為何不明天早上打個電話給他?

Ellen, why don't you go out to the backyard - Ellen,何不去院子

That's why I'm reading my paper and having my coffee - 這就是今天早上為什麼我看報紙喝咖啡

It is. That's why we bought it for you. - 是的。這就是我們買給你的原因。

Well ... I feel fine about it. Why shouldn't I? - 嗯……我覺得不錯。為什麼不呢?

I don't know why I didn't think of it. - 我不知道為什麼我沒有想到這一點。

And there's no reason why you can't do it from your home. - 而且也沒有理由你不可以在家裡做。

That's why the new community center is a good idea. - 這就是為什麼說新的社區中心是個好主意。

Did she say why she had to leave today? - 她說了她為什麼今天非走不可嗎?

I don't see why you are kicking up such a fuss. - 我不明白你為什麼要這樣小題大作。

My car goes way faster than yours, that's why I want to keep it. - 我的車比你的要快,這就是我要保留它的原因。

I have no idea about fashion there days, which is why I dress so plainly. - 我對現在的時裝潮流一竅不通,這就是我穿得這麼普通的原因。

Could you explain why you left? - 你能解釋一下你離開的原因嗎?

I don't see why she's so against the idea. - 我不明白她為何如此反對這個計劃。

I can't figure out why she said so. - 我不能理解她為什麼這樣說。

I can't figure out why he quit his job. - 我不能理解他為什麼要辭職。

People don't ask unmarried people Why are you single?. - 人們不會問未婚的人「你為什麼不結婚?」。

And they don't ask a married couple with no children Why don't you have any children?. - 他們也不會問結了婚沒有孩子的夫婦「你們為什麼不要孩子?」。

The boss is waiting in his office for us to come and explain why we failed to finish this work on time. - 老闆在他的辦公室裡等著我們前去說明未能按期完成這個工作的理由。

That's why he is now concentrating on conversation at a language school near his home. - 這就是他在他家附近的一所語言學校專攻口語的原因。

That is why we have asked you to come tonight. - 這也就是我們今晚請你們來的原因。

Now that I've seen how he lives, I know why he needs so much money. - 看過了他的生活狀態,我現在才知道他為什麼需要那麼多錢。

That's why I am here. - 那是我在這裡的原因。

You can see for yourselves the damaged condition and the reason why they are unassailable. - 你們可以親眼看到完好無損情況以及貨物無法銷售的原因。

Well, er, in your case, I see no reason why not. What's your proposition? - 這個,呃,我看可以。您想透支多少?

So soon? Why don't you stay a little longer? - 這麼早就走了?為什麼不呆一會呢?

I have two tickets for a great movie. Why don't you come with me? - 我有兩張大片的電影票,你要同我一起去看嗎?

But I'll pay. Why not? - 但是我付錢啊,不行嗎?

I wonder why they're angry. - 夥計,他們為什麼生氣?

You have too much time on your hands. Why don't you start a hobby? - 你有太多的空閒時間,何不開始一樣嗜好呢?

Then why do you want to sell it? - 那麼,您為什麼要賣掉它呢?

That's why I didn't see the sign. - 所以我才沒看見那牌子。

Dan wondered why he was wanted by the police, but he went to the station yesterday and now he is not worried anymore. - 丹奇怪警察為什麼找他,但昨天還是去了,結果他一再擔心了。

Jeremy asked her why this was so and she told him that she did not like to see so many people laughing at him! - 傑裡米問他為何不喜歡,她說她不願意看到那麼多的人嘲笑他!

'No newspaper men, no film fans! Why don't we come more often?' - 米爾斯表示同意,「沒有記者,沒有影迷!我們為什麼不經常來這裡呢?」

You would not be able to understand why some people find it repulsive. - 同時不能理解為什麼有人一見章魚就噁心。


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