airborn noise 釋義:氣原聲;hybrid airborn navigation computer 混合式航空計算機;Airborn Warning And Control System 空中早期警戒管制;
1.The rubber band surrounding the tube is to damp the airborn vibrations from the sound wave that hit the tube to make noise. 用手敲擊管子時(前面級的管),就有可能從喇叭中聽到有敲擊聲。這就是麥克風效應。
2.of airborn carcinogens in the non-occupational environment was thoroughly reviewed by the Committee on Biologic Effects of Atmospheric Pollutions of the National Academy of Sciences. 關於非職業環境大氣中的致癌物問題,美國國家科學院大氣污染生物效應委員會已作了詳盡的論述。
3.The issue of airborn carcinogens in the non-occupational environment was thoroughly reviewed by the Committee on Biologic Effects of Atmospheric Pollutions of the National Academy of Sciences . 關於非職業環境大氣中的致癌物問題,美國國家科學院大氣污染生物效應委員會已作了詳盡的論述。