





n. dinner party


dinner['dinə]n. 晚餐,晚宴;宴會;正餐


dinner 正餐;晚餐;正列;正餐,宴會;have dinner 吃晚飯;吃晚餐;吃飯;吃飯(中/晚餐);At Dinner 用餐;吃晚餐;正在吃晚飯;在吃飯;dinner coat 小禮服;男子晚禮服;男子無尾晚禮服;dinner fork 餐叉;正餐叉;主菜叉,晚餐叉子;主菜叉;


1.Shall I fry the fish for dinner? 我把晚餐要吃的魚炸了好嗎?

2.We have roast turkey for Christmas dinner. 聖誕節晚餐我們將吃烤火雞。

3.For dinner, he likes chicken and broccoli. 正餐他喜歡吃雞肉和花椰菜。


Thank you very much for preparing such a splendid dinner specially for me. - 謝謝您為我特意準備如此豐盛的晚餐。

I want to. I haven't paid for your dinner for a long time. - 我要做。我好久沒幫你付吃飯的錢了。

You and Mom haven't had dinner together with us - 你和媽媽沒有和我們一起吃晚餐

Will dinner be served on this train? - 火車上供飯嗎?

The birthday dinner was held at a five-star restaurant. - 生日宴會在一個五星級的賓館裡舉辦。

Have you had dinner yet? - 你吃晚飯了嗎?

I'd like to treat you to dinner and a movie. - 我想請你吃飯和看一場電影。

Will you have dinner with me tonight? - 能和我一起吃晚飯嗎? 今天晚上。

Robbie, the dinner was terrific. - Robbie,晚餐真是棒透了。

I'm late for dinner at my house. - 我回家吃晚飯要遲到了。

No. Thank you. I have a dinner date. - 不 謝謝。我要去赴晚餐約會。

Are we too late for our dinner reservation? - 我們會不會錯過晚餐訂位時間

The bet is -- I win, and you cook dinner for the entire family. - 這樣賭好了, 要是我贏了, 全家晚餐你來煮。

Or you win, and I cook dinner for the entire family. - 要是你贏了, 我替全家做晚餐。

Cooking dinner for the entire family is not so easy. - 給全家人做晚餐真不是件容易的事。

Remember, you win, and I cook dinner for the entire family. - 記得嗎, 你要是贏了, 我給全家做晚餐。

You win, and I cook dinner for the entire family. - 你贏了 我給全家做晚餐。

You have to cook dinner for the entire family. - 你今晚得替全家做晚餐呢。

I think we'll cook dinner together. - 我想, 我們一起做晚餐了。

I had dinner with him Saturday, - 星期六我與他一起吃晚餐,

about us not having dinner with the family, - 對於我們無法與全家人共進晚餐一事

We talk about him at dinner time. - 我們吃晚餐時總談起他。

Jazz music is performed at many dinner parties. - 在很多宴會派對裡都有爵士樂的演奏。

Following the dinner will be addresed by the candidate. - 晚飯後將由候選人作演講。

Millions of thanks to you all, and don't forget to finish your dinner before it get cold. - 十分感謝大家,大家快趁熱吃吧。

I'll finish my work in no time, and then we're going to have a nice dinner together, OK? - 我馬上就完成工作了,然後我們一起去好好吃頓飯,怎麼樣?

I try to be punctual in getting dinner on the table. - 我一向設法讓晚餐菜餚準時上餐桌。

Where did you go for dinner yesterday? - 你們昨天去哪兒吃的飯?

The dinner was wonderful. - 晚餐棒極了。

I eat dinner at about 7 o'clock. - 我在大約7點鐘吃晚飯。

After dinner I read a magazine and made some telephone calls. - 在晚飯以後我讀一本雜誌和打了一些電話。

I used to have dinner at 7:30 and go to bed early. - 我過去常在7:30吃晚飯並且早睡覺。

I've forgotten what time he said he had dinner last night. - 我忘記了他昨晚什麼時間吃晚飯的了。

Are you going to have dinner at home tomorrow night? - 你明天晚上在家吃晚飯嗎?

If you're hungry, we can eat dinner now. - 如果你餓了,我們現在就去吃飯。

The dinner was superb. Who cooked it? - 菜太棒了!誰做的?你嗎?

My delicious dinner won't get away. - 可不能讓到嘴的佳餚逃走了。

What's for dinner tonight? - 今天晚上吃什麼東西?

They have brought wine with them to the dinner party. - 他們為晚宴帶來了美酒。

Hotels in America don't usually serve dinner in the rooms. - 在美國的旅店裡,正餐通常是不送到房間裡。

Christmas Day we have a large dinner with many different things to eat. - 在聖誕節晚餐,我們會吃很多不同的佳餚。

I'd like to have you come to my house for dinner sometime. - 改天請到我家來吃飯。

What a surprise, the dinner did not taste bad after all! - 很出人意外,這頓晚餐不是很好吃麼?

I ate cakes for dinner yesterday. - 我昨天晚飯吃的是蛋糕。

I will be having dinner in Paris in April. - 我將在四月份在巴黎吃晚餐。

Would you please have dinner ready for me? - 可以請你為我準備晚餐嗎?

After dinner comes the reckoning. - 吃喝玩樂,該付代價。

After dinner sit a while, after supper walk a while. - 午飯後要坐,晚飯後要走。

After dinner sit a while; after supper walk a mile. - 午餐之後坐片刻,晚飯之後走一里。

After dinner sit awhile, after supper walk a mile. - 正餐以後,休息片刻;晚餐以後,步行一哩。


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