explications[,ekspli'keiʃən, ,ekspli:kɑ:'sjuŋ]n. 說明;闡明;[古]展開(花瓣、葉子等的)
1.In order to build his theory of "narrated time", Ricoeur made his critical explications on Kant's concept of time. 利科在《時間與敘事》中為建構其敘事時間理論而對康德的時間觀作了批判性解讀。
2.Artworks that overly rely on verbal explications are perhaps works that are too enigmatic or unreadable to most audience. 然而當作品過於依賴文字替其輔助說明,則反映該作品的「可讀性」其實不高;
3.Different institutions' diverse explications of china's inflation did contribute to the varied estimations on Chinese CPI index. 而國內外機構對CPI預測的偏差根源於對中國通貨膨脹成因的不同判斷。