ghee[ɡi:]n. 酥油;精煉奶油;印度酥油
ghee 酥油;印度酥油〔由水牛乳或綿羊乳等製成;印度乳脂肪;酥油 (印度);Teck Ghee 德義;ghee oil 牛酪油;Lim Teck Ghee 林德義;Khor Ean Ghee 許延義(新加坡藝術協會會長);
1.We minimize the use of saturated fats found in foods such as butter, ghee, suet, lard, coconut oil and dairy products. 比如黃油,奶油,牛羊脂,豬脂,椰子油,乳製品等含有飽和脂肪的食物應盡可能減少使用量。
2.In small skillet add remaining ghee. When hot add cumin seeds and black mustard seeds. When the seeds start to crackle pour the mixture into the pot of dal. 用小鍋加入剩下的提純奶油,加熱後加入孜然籽和黑芥末子,當它們開始有爆裂辟啪聲時一起倒入豆羹之中攪勻。
3.The flavor bodies of Tibet Ghee was concentrated by water team distillation, then separated and identified by GC-MS. 34 components and their relative concentration have been identified. 採用水蒸汽蒸餾法提取出酥油中的風味物質,利用氣相色譜-質譜聯用技術對西藏酥油中的風味物質進行了分離、鑒定,共確定了34種化合物及其它們的相對含量。