leannen. 琳恩(女子名)
Leanne 李亞男;何思諺;妻子琳恩;李亞男;Leanne Liu 劉雪華;Leanne Adachi 琳尼·阿德奇;Leanne Li 李亞男;Leanne Salt 薩爾特;索爾特;
1.Prior to launching her company, Leanne gained experience working for McKinsey And Company and for Morgan Stanley in New York and London. 在創立該公司之前,謝爾曾在麥肯錫公司和摩根斯坦利公司的紐約與倫敦分部任職。
2.One day, as the herd funneled through a gully at the tree line, Karsten and Leanne spotted a wolf creeping up. The herd responded with a classic swarm defense. 一天,獸群正在緩慢穿越林木線的一條溝渠,卡斯頓與黎恩看到了一頭狼正爬行過來。獸群的反應便是一個典型的群體防禦。
3.Her twin sister, Gemma, had a feeling that Leanne was in trouble and that she should check on her. Gemma did, and found Leanne under the water and not breathing. 她的雙胞胎妹妹傑瑪,感到蓮妮有危險,她應該回去看看,回家後發現蓮妮倒在水裡不省人事。