





n. intelligence ,news program ,newsworthiness ,tidings


news[nju:z, nu:z]n. 新聞,消息;新聞報導


News 新聞;山下智久;人聲廣播音響效果,新聞;小山慶一郎;news briefing 新聞發佈會;新聞宣告會;News Probe 新聞調查;調查;news flash 短訊,快訊;Bloomberg News 彭博資訊;彭博新聞;彭博新聞社;彭博社;


1.Well, I have good news for you. 嗯,我有一個好消息要告訴你。

2.It can be good news to some. 對某些人來說可能是好消息。

3.He spread the news around the town. 他在鎮上到處傳播這一消息。


We have good news and bad news, Robbie. - 我給你帶來了好消息和壞消息 Robbie。

The good news is that the Levinsons have come by - 好消息是Levinson夫婦已來這兒

The bad news is, you won't be able to adopt the dog. - 壞消息是你不能收養那隻狗了。

Their TV news is going to cover it. - 他們的電視新聞將報導這一消息。

Now returning to other local news ... - 現在再報導其它地方新聞。

He watches the CCTV news at 7:00 P.M. everyday. - 他每晚 7 點都收看「中央電視台」的新聞聯播。

You can listen to BBC or VOA news if you want to improve your listening. - 如果你想提高聽力,你可以聽英國廣播電台或美國之音的新聞節目。

The news reporter said that an airplane has just crash landed. - 新聞播音員說一架飛機在著陸過程中墜毀了。

I have good news and bad news, which do you want to hear first? - 我有好消息和壞消息,你想先聽哪個?

We haven't had any more news from the frontier, so we'll just have to be patiend. - 我們還沒得到來自前方的進一步消息,所以我們只有耐心等待。

He reads the headlines, news sections, amusemenu section, sports pages, editorials, and the business section. - 他讀頭條、新聞版、娛樂版、體育版、社會和經濟版。

No news is good news as far as I'm concerned. - 我覺得沒有消息就是最好的消息。

Cloning technology is good news for those patients who need organ transplants. - 克隆技術對於那些需要器官移植的病人來說是個福音。

The bad news hit everyone hard. - 惡耗使每個人都受到了沉重打擊。

No news is good news. - 沒消息就是好消息。

The news was announced to the public on TV. - 這則消息經由電視向大眾宣佈。

The news has bucked us up. - 這消息使我們歡欣鼓舞。

The news caused great excitement. - 這消息令人極為興奮。

The news spread all over the world. - 這消息傳遍全世界。

The news turned out to be false. - 那個消息後來證明是假的。

There was much news in the morning paper today. - 今天的晨報上有許多新聞。

I'm afraid I have bad news for you. - 恐怕我有壞消息要告訴您。

I'm afraid I have some rather bad news for you. - 我恐怕有些很壞的消息要告訴你。

The news of Tom's death filled us with grief. - 湯姆的噩耗,使得我們滿懷悲傷。

Bad news has wings. - 壞事傳千里。

Good news goes on crutches. - 好事不出門。

Ill news comes space. - 惡事傳千里。

Ill news flies fast. - 惡事傳千里。

Ill news never comes too late. - 壞消息來得快。

Ill news travels fast. - 壞事傳千里。

No news is good news. - 沒有消息就是好消息。

I've got news for you. - 我要告訴你一個好消息。

I'm afraid I have some rather bad news for you. - 我恐怕有些很壞的消息要告訴你。

'To end our special news bulletin,' said the voice of the television announcer, 'we're going over to the macaroni fields of Calabria. - 「作為我們專題新聞節目的結尾,」電視廣播員說,「我們現在到克拉布利亞的通心粉田里。

When the news got round that a comedy show would be presented at our local cinema by the P.and U.Bird Seed Company, - 當「皮尤」鳥食公司將在我們當地影院演出喜劇節目的消息傳開後,

Television cameras and newspapers carried the news to everyone in the country. - 電視攝像機和報紙把消息傳送到全國。

I'm afraid I have bad news for you. - 恐怕我有壞消息要告訴您。

The news that NATO bombed the China Embassy in Yugoslavia offended all Chinese people. - 北約轟炸中國南斯拉夫大使館的消息激怒了每一個中國人,

The news that the leader will come here is not true. - 頭兒要來的消息不可靠。

Really? Oh well, no news is good news. - 真的嗎?噢,沒有消息就是好消息。

No, just a few. For example, most Canadians say news [nju:z], but Americans say [nu:z]. We mainly use American words, but we use quite a lot of British words too. We fill our cars with gas, which is American, but we turn on the tap which is British En - 沒有,只有少數差別。例如,大多數加拿大人把news讀成(nju:z),但美國人卻讀成(nu:z)。我們主要使用美國英語詞,但是也使用很多英國英語詞彙。我們給汽車加「gas(汽油)」,這是美國英語,但是我們說開「tap(龍頭)」,這是英國英語。

I'm not sure. I ought to do some studying, as I've got masses of work to do, but I think I'll be too tired. Maybe I'll just watch the news on television and go to bed early. - 還不清楚。我有大量的作業要做,按理我應該學習,但是我想這樣一來我會很累的。我可能會看看電視新聞,然後早點上床睡覺。

It seemed that one bee was able to communicate the news of food to other bees in its hive. - 似乎一隻蜜蜂能夠把食物的信息傳遞給蜂箱裡的其他蜜蜂。

The circle dance seemed to communicate news of food. - 圓圈舞蹈好像是傳遞食物信息。

I have got some wonderful news to tell you. I have been offered a scholarship at a university in Australia for my further education. One hundred and twenty-five students took exams for it, and I was one of the five to be chosen. However, my parents are tr - 我有一些非常好的消息要告訴你。我得到了澳大利亞一所大學提供給我進修的一筆獎學金。為了獲得這筆獎學金,125個學生參加了考試,而我是5個被選上的人中的1個。然而,我父母試圖阻止我到那裡去學習。他們說澳大利亞太遠了,他們將一整年見不到我,我會很孤獨的。他們建議我改


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