terabit['terəbit]n. 兆兆位(量度信息的單位)
Terabit 兆位;兆兆位;比特;太位;TB TeraBit 太位;terabit Ethernet 兆兆以太網;Terabit Router 兆位元路由器;TSR Terabit Switched Router 太比特交換路由器;
1.Holography uses all three dimensions to store data, and the goal has been to stuff a terabit into a space the size of a sugar cube. 全像儲存能以立體方式儲存資料,是許多人心目中最終的儲存技術,目標是把1Tb的資料塞到方糖大小的儲存空間內。
2.the goal is to put as few switches and/or routers within the backbone infrastructure as possible, while increasing line speeds into the gigabit and terabit ranges. 目標是要在主幹基礎設施中盡可能少地使用交換機和/或路由器,同時把線路速度提高到吉比特和太比特。
3.Because that is nothing more than a blink in the world of hard drives, Kryder has already set his next goal: a terabit per square inch, and he has tapped the 100 Ph. 四年在硬碟世界裡不過是轉瞬之間,所以奎德已經設立了下一階段的目標:每英吋1Tb(兆位元)。