





AM[ॼຠæm, ॼౠəm]abbr. 調幅v. 是


am 亞美尼亞;上午;調幅(廣播);存取方法;AM amperemeter 安培計,電流表;安培計;AM Showers 上午陣雨;AM depth 調幅度;放大器深度(音量);AM Armenia 亞美尼亞(域名);


1.I am near to my friends always. 我與朋友之間總是親密無間。

2.Yet, we both know that I am. 是的,我們都瞭解我是什麼人。

3.Yes, I am ready for the helicopter. 是的,我已準備好接應直升機。


Hello, my name is Susan and I am calling to confirm my reservation. - 喂,你好,我叫蘇珊,我大電話確定我的預定。

My name is Lu Wei. I am beside Beijing Hotel on Changan Street. - 我叫陸偉,在長安街北京飯店旁邊。

I am calling on behalf of the Private Teacher Company. - 我代表家教公司給您打電話。

May I ask who I am talking to? - 請問你是誰?

I am a representative of Politics Association. - 我是政治協會的代表。

I am calling for the A company. - 我是代表A公司打電話來的。

I am sure you would like to know more about it. - 我相信您一定想知道詳情。

I am sorry. I am not free right now. - 對不起,我現在很忙。

I am sure. So, we'll be expecting the first shipment in less than a month. - 那當然。我們都希望第一批貨在一個月之內可以裝船。

I am available as soon as possible. - 我隨時都可以上班。

And I am a hard worker when I have something challenging to do. - 並且在遇到挑戰性的工作時,我是個很努力的人。

I think I am rather outgoing. I enjoy working with others. But sometimes I'll be alone. - 我想我較外向。喜歡和人合作,有時也想獨處。

Sometimes I lack patience in what I am doing. However, I'm very careful with my work. - 我有時候對自己的所作所為缺乏耐心,不過工作很細心。

I think I am very good at planning. - 我認為我最擅長計劃。

But I am trying to find a balance between insistence and compromise. - 我正努力在執著與妥協之間找到平衡點。

No, I think I am an excellent match for this job. - 不,我認為我恰好適合這個職位。

Based on my skills and experience, I am looking for four thousand a month. - 根據我的能力和經驗,我希望月薪是4000元。

I am Lu Ming. I come here to welcome you. - 我是陸明,我是來接你的。

What am I supposed to do? - 我該做什麼?,

I am looking for a necklace with a matching pair of earrings. - 我想找一條項鏈和一副跟它相配的耳環。

Please give me a wake up call at 7:30 am tomorrow. - 請在明早七點半叫醒我。

As a matter of fact... I am hungry. - 老實說……我餓了。

I am so excited! - 我感到好興奮。

I am exhausted. My new exercise class is so hard. - 我太累了。我那新的健身班太難了。

Nope. I am in perfect health. - 沒有。我身體好的很。

Nothing. I am in excellent health. - 沒什麼。我身體好的很。

I sure I am glad to see you, Dr. Stewart. - 真高興見到你來 ,Stewart大夫。

I am hungry. - 我真是餓了。

I am too, Dad. - 我也一樣, 爸爸。

So am I. - 我也很遺憾。

But I am going to make a headpiece of lace. - 但我準備做一個蕾絲頭飾。

And am I glad to see you! - 我看見你才高興呢!

I am also glad to be here. - 我很高興來這裡 。

I am so excited. Mother! - 我好興奮, 媽媽!

Who am I, you old rascal? - 我是誰 ?你這個老玩童。

Well, I am pouring this iced tea - 嗯 ,我再給你們倒冰茶

I am so happy for you both. - 我真為你們倆感到高興。

and here I am with - 如今我卻和

Hi, Dad. Am I interrupting you? - 嗨,爸爸。我打攪了你嗎?

I am an atheist. - 我是一個無神論者。

I am so touched. The two of you are really something. - 我太感動了。你們倆個真是了不起。

But I am thinking about myself. - 但我就是在為自己著想呀。

I am planning to write an editorial that I think will help you. - 我計劃寫一篇社論, 我認為應該能幫助你們。

I am happy to do it for you. - 我很高興為你們做這件事。

I am having a good time, Harry. - 我玩得很高興, Harry。

I am not in agreement with what he said. - 他說的話我不能同意。

I am not getting what I bargained for. - 當時說好的可不是這個樣子。

My friend, I am in a big mess, do you think you could help me tomorrow? - 朋友,我現在正忙得一塌湖塗。明天你可以幫一下我嗎?

I am studying two majors, and it's quite a burden on my time. - 我有兩門主修課,這佔據了我很大一部分時間。

I owe what I am to my uncle. - 我能有今天要感謝我的伯父。

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