Anatolian. 安納托利亞
Anatolia 安納托利亞;安那托利亞;利亞;利亞;Anatolia Plateau 安納托利亞高原;Southeastern Anatolia 東南安納托利亞;Anatolia Story 天是紅河岸;天是紅河岸 筱原千繪;T anatolia 前衛搖滾;比博普爵士樂;硬搖滾;
1.In terms of color, tissue, and pattern, there is variety of natural stone more than 250 types ranging from Thracia to Eastern Anatolia. 從色雷斯到安納托利亞東部就有250多種不同顏色,質地和圖案的石材。
2.From there Mediterranean trading ships plied regular routes to Italy, and land routes went either north through Anatolia or south to North Africa. 地中海的貿易船隻從那裡通過規則的路線來前往意大利,陸上路線要不是穿過安納托利亞而往北行,要不是往南前往北非。
3.It is possible that the Hittites from Anatolia made a lightning raid down the Euphrates, sacked Babylon and captured the statue of Marduk, patron god of Babylon. 從安納托利亞而來的赫梯人(希泰人)會向幼發拉底發動閃電式的襲擊,洗劫巴比倫和搶奪巴比倫資助的神馬杜克的雕像。