a. stonelike
petrous['petrəs]adj. 岩石的;岩石般的;堅硬的
petrous 巖狀的;岩石的;石質的;岩石的,岩石般的,堅硬的;petrous part 巖部;巖部.錐體;petrous pyramid 釋義:顳骨巖部,巖部,巖(骨)錐(體)錐部;petrous ganglion 釋義:巖神經節;petrous bone 釋義:顳骨巖部;
1.Objective: To report 24 cases of petroclival tumors resected via the trans petrous combined supra - infratentorial approach. 目的:報道24例巖尖-斜坡腫瘤經巖骨-小腦幕上下聯合人路手術切除。
2.However the symbolic petrous picture scriptures originated in the New Stone Age and they all belonged to magic ones which were near to the source of symbolism. 而象徵性巖畫俱出自新石器時代,且都屬於巫術性巖畫,這正可契近象徵之源。
3.Result IPS courses in the sulcus for inferior petrosal sinus, that was, on the intracranial surface of the petroclival fissure which was made up of the clivus and the petrous pyramid. 結果IPS行於顱底內面的巖下竇溝內,即由斜坡和顳骨巖部組成的巖斜裂內,形狀不規則。
petrous branch; ramus petrosus - 巖支
ganglion petrosum; petrous ganglion - 巖神經節
petrous portion petrosa - 巖部
apex partis petrosae; petrous apex - 巖部尖
fracture of petrous pyramid and mastoid - 巖錐及乳突骨折
petrous bone - 巖骨
petrous pyramid - 錐部
石狀體尾部癌 - cancer of posterior surface of petrous part
n.巖錐及乳突骨折 - fracture of petrous pyramid and mastoid
顳骨巖部後緣 - posterior border of petrous part of temporal bone
巖部後面 - posterior surface of petrous part