piezoelectric[pi:,eizəui'lektrik, pai,i:-]adj. [物]壓電的
piezoelectric 壓電體;壓電晶體;壓電式;壓電性.;piezoelectric driver 壓電推進器;壓電傳動器;piezoelectric constant 壓電常數;壓電陶瓷;壓電常量;壓電常數=>壓電定數;piezoelectric pickup 壓電拾音器;晶體拾音器;壓電傳感器,壓電拾音器;壓電拾取器;piezoelectric cartridge 壓電式拾音頭;
1.Then, we analyze the formula and principle of piezoelectric patches, and compare the difference between the voltage amplifier and charge amplifier. 分析了壓電片對動態應變的傳感原理和計算表達式,並比較了電壓放大器和電荷放大器的差異。
2.A piezoelectric transformer is very attractive material since it has many advantages, low profile , high efficiency , no windings , and no electromagnetic noise. 壓電變壓器有著體積小,效率高、無線圈和無電磁干擾的優點,所以是一個非常引人注意的材料。
3.Concentrated stress and parasite displacement are two key factors that influence the performance of micromanipulator based on flexure hinge and piezoelectric actuator. 集中應力和耦合位移是影響基於柔性鉸鏈和壓電陶瓷驅動器的微操作器性能的關鍵因素。
n. piezoelectric inverse effect - 壓電反向效應
n. piezoelectric transducer - 壓電式換能器
piezocrvstal; piezoelectric crystal - 壓電晶體
n. piezoelectric modulus - 壓電模數
n. piezoelectric modulus - 壓電模量
n. piezoelectric direct effect - 壓電正向效應
n. piezoelectric direct effect - 壓電直接效應
n. piezoelectric inverse effect - 壓電逆效應