1.For he says to the snow, Make the earth wet; and to the rain-storm, Come down. 他對雪說,要降在地上,對大雨和暴雨也是這樣說。
2.The Nanking of rain-storm front, bomb but go to of thunder voice with suppress sultry breathing to let the person suffocate. 暴雨前的南京,轟隆而至的雷聲和壓抑悶熱的氣息讓人窒息。
3.But, living very heartless, in 2004 July, rain-storm disaster, flood, mudslide, our home town were destroyed, we had no the house, we had no the farmland, having no food. 但是,生活很無情,在2004年7月,暴雨成災,洪水,泥石流,我們的家鄉被毀壞了,我們沒有了房屋,我們沒有了耕地,沒有了糧食。