n. richard starkey ,ringo starr ,starkey
starrn. 斯塔爾(姓氏)
Starr 斯塔爾;吻合器經肛直腸切除術;史帶;膜切除術;Ringo Starr 斯塔爾;林戈·斯塔爾;林格·斯塔爾;林哥史達;Atlantic Starr 大西洋之星合唱團;大西洋斯塔爾;亞特蘭大之星;Belle Starr 女羅賓漢;Beau Starr 博 斯塔爾;
1.The day before Hillary and I left for the memorial service, Ken Starr and three aides came to the White House to question us. 在我和希拉裡飛到俄市參加追悼儀式的前一天,肯。斯塔爾和他的三個助理來到白宮向我們詢問問題。
2.By contrast Kevin Starr's eighth offering in his epic series, "Americans and the California Dream", covers a period when the dream was at its most persuasive. 相比之下,凱文
3.She was concerned about her own criminal liability, because the kind of taping she had done was a felony under Maryland law, but Starr's people promised to protect her. 她擔心的是自己的刑事責任,因為按馬里蘭州的法律,她這樣錄音可是項重罪,但斯塔爾的手下保證會保護她。