AFDabbr. 自動裝填裝置(Automatic Feeding Device)
AFD 法國開發署;法國發展署;方位頻率圖;鹼火焰檢測器;AFD method 美國海軍部航空燃料辛烷值測定法;(辛烷值測定)法;AFD AmplitudeFrequencyDistortion 幅頻失真;AFD AutomaticFireControlSystem 火力自動控制系統;AFD - 腹部血流顯示;自動裝填裝置;
1.The Finance Ministry of China and the AFD initiated their cooperation in the year of 2003 and signed the Framework Agreement in October 200
4. 中國財政部和法國發展署於2003年啟動了雙方的合作,並於2004年10月簽署了框架協議。
2.Recorded AFI was compared with amniotic fluid diameter (AFD) and meanwhile the characteristics of echo in amniotic fluid was paid attention to. 同時與羊水平段(AFD)法比較,並且注意羊水內回聲特點。
3.In the past ten years of development, AFD experienced twice equity transfer and finally becomes a wholly subsidiary of AGC, the most famous group in the glass industry. 十幾年的發展歷史過程中,AFD幾經風雲,經過兩次股權轉讓,而今成為國際行業內知名的日本旭硝子集團在華的玻璃產業的全資子公司。