kickers['kikə]n. 踢者;愛發牢騷的人;[宇]噴射器
kickers 耳光;護腳;Bone Kickers 骨跡尋真;骨跡尋真 連載中;Kickers Offenbach 奧芬巴赫踢球者;奧芬巴赫踢球者足球俱樂部;奧芬巴克;奧芬巴查;Kickers Emden 埃姆登踢球者;equity kickers 准權益股票;
1.In Beijing, there ra lot of kickers with long-time trainings and very high skills. 在北京,這兒有許多經過長期訓練並技藝高超的好手。
2.And then, when they looked at you incredulously, to have added: "With a no-win situation against the hasslers and kickers of Andorra at Wembley to follow! "" 然後,當他們把目光轉到你身上的時候再加上一句:「安道爾別想在溫布利贏球!」
3.The sellers want people who genuinely want to buy a car—not just those tire kickers who want to stand there and dream about it when they really won't purchase one. 賣家希望人們是真正想買車的——而不是那些光看,幻想著擁有一輛車卻始終不掏腰包購買的顧客。