mycenaen. 邁錫尼(希臘南部古城)
Mycenae 邁錫尼;尼城;西尼;美錫尼;Mycenae civilisation 及邁錫尼文明;Crete-Mycenae 邁西尼;The Archaeological Sites of Mycenae and Tiryns 邁錫尼和梯林斯考古遺址;Archaeological Sites of Mycenae and Tiryns 邁錫尼和提那雅恩斯的遺址;
1.C. , that King Agamemnon of Mycenae was believed by later Greeks to have led the Greeks against Troy. 邁錫尼(希臘南部古城)的阿伽門農國王,被後來的希臘人認為就是他發動希臘進攻特洛伊的戰爭。
2.King Atreus of Mycenae retook the throne from his brother, Thyestes using advice he received from the wise trickster Hermes. 邁錫尼的國王阿特柔斯(也是希臘神)從他的兄弟手上重奪王位,梯厄斯忒斯(希臘神)利用了從明智的魔術師赫密士而來的建議。
3.After its palace was destroyed by fire c. 1400 BC, it was reduced to town status, and Aegean political focus shifted to Mycenae. 約在西元前1400年一個宮殿毀於一場大火後,它就降到了城鎮的地位,愛琴世界的政治焦點便轉移到了邁錫尼。