Recta['rektə]n. 直腸(rectum 的複數)
recta 直腸;瑞士古董瑞克他;記名提單;Eriocheir recta 直額絨螯蟹;Linea recta 直系;vasa recta 直管;直小血管;釋義:(拉)直小血管;cima recta 上凹下凸的曲線;
1.From this surgery, it was known that there was a leak in the recta and the dejecta was leaked to abdomen probably from the place where the stapler was used. 從第二次手術得知,病人是多發性腸間膿腫引起的感染性休克,懷疑造成感染的原因是直腸手術發生吻合口瘺(因直腸有漏洞造成糞便漏到腹腔而引起感染)。
2.Results: Vasa recta in jejunum frequently divided into three branches-two long and one short branches, in the ileum, it often divided into two branches-one long and one short branches. 結果: 正常小腸動脈分佈具有一定規律性,空腸段直動脈通常分為三支(兩長支,一短支),迴腸段直動脈通常分為兩支(長、短各一)。
3.Most pigmentations were present on head or around the tip of the finger and toe. Most polyps were present in colon and recta. The pathological type of most polyps was hamartomas and adenoma. 結果全國各省市自治區均有病例報道,黑斑分佈以頭部及手足為常見,以大腸息肉最為常見,病理以錯構瘤性息肉和腺瘤性息肉為主,易合併惡性腫瘤。
n.直部 - pars recta
n.直小血管 - vasa recta