shadiest['ʃeidi]adj.shady的變形adj. 多萌的;成萌的有陰的;背陰的陰暗的;陰森的;模糊不清的[口語]可疑的,不光彩的,骯髒的(交易等)短語: keep shady 隱蔽,避免被人看見on the shady side of 見 side變形: shadier , shadiest
shadiest 最遮蔭;
1.And he soon discovered that the shadiest source of all was Dali himself. 很快,他就發現這個來源就是達利自己。
2.The pond had in the meanwhile skimmed over in the shadiest and shallowest coves, some days or even weeks before the general freezing. 這時候,最照不到陽光和最淺的湖凹中已經結起了薄冰,比整個湖結冰早了幾天,有些地方早了幾星期。
3.Chewie's death hit Han hard, and for a time, he turned his back on his family to exorcise his demons in some of the shadiest corners of the galaxy. 丘仔的死沉重的打擊了索羅,以至於有一段時間,他離開家庭,到銀河系最陰暗的角落驅趕內心的魔鬼。