subd 再分;細分曲面;SubD Level 光滑級數;Digital Tutors Maya Intermediate Poly Subd Digital Tutors出品的全套Maya多邊形建模教程;
1.When you're totally satisfied with the topology and UV's, convert to SubD one last time and start editing on the higher levels. 當你對拓撲結構和UV貼圖都很滿意了,就轉為細分模型,開始對更高層級進行編輯。
2.Ac cording to the evaluation and the differences of main products and agricultural development tendency, the Yangtze Basin is divided into 3 districts and 17 subd districts. 並在此基礎上,根據主導農產品專業化生產和發展方向的分異,將長江流域劃分為3大區17個亞區。