





n. 2 ,deuce ,iia. 2 ,ii


TWO[tu:]n. 兩個adj. 兩個的num. 二


TWO 小白兔;流氓兔;雙打隊員;凌晨,花開了;Two Worlds 兩個世界;雙重世界;時空穿越者;雙世界;two hands 兩次發球權;偷漢子;我有兩隻手;屎蛋兩頭燒;two phase 二相;二相的;兩相的;二相位;two selenoid 雙螺管閥門;雙座調節閥 螺管閥門;雙螺管隔膜;雙螺管 閥門;


1.Two wrongs do not make a right. 兩個錯誤不能構成一個正確。

2.They have two sons and one daughter. 他們有兩個兒子和一個女兒。

3.The two surface adhered to each other. 這兩個表面相互粘附在一起。


Would two o'clock be acceptable? - 兩點鐘合適嗎?

Does two o'clock sound alright? - 兩點鐘好嗎?

All right. Please hold two orchestra seats for us. - 好,請幫我們保留兩張前排的座位。

Please keep two for us to pick up. - 請給我保留兩張。

Please have two window seats placed aside for us. - 請為我們保留兩個靠窗口的位子。

Please stay where you are, we'll have a patrol car there in two minutes. - 請您呆在原地,兩分鐘之內我們派巡邏車過來。

A dollar is valued at eight point two RMB yuan. - 一美元價值8.2元人民幣。

That's for a long distance call you make two nights ago. - 這是你兩天前打的一個長途電話的費用。

Yes, I have been working in an advertisement company in the last two years. - 是的,在過去兩年裡,我一直在一家廣告公司工作。

What would you like to be doing two years from now? - 兩年後你希望自己在做什麼?

Glad to see you too, we met two years ago. - 我也很高興,我們兩年前見過一次。

We'll sign two originals, each in the Chinese and English language. - 我們將要用中文和英文分別簽署兩份原件。

Yah, I have been here only two months. - 是啊,我在這兒僅兩個月。

I grew up in Beijing, but I was in Los Angeles for two years. - 我在北京長大,不過在洛杉磯已呆了兩年。

I'd like two cheeseburgers all-dressed, please. - 我的奶酪漢堡什麼料都要。

Seven letters ... two words ... - 七個字母……兩個字……

In less than two hours, - 在不到兩個小時之後,

any just cause why these two people - 任何正當理由說明這兩位

She's worked two jobs for years. - 幾年來他一直同時做兩個工作。

Give me two tickets to New York. - 請給我兩張去紐約的票。

Then walk two blocks to the traffic light. - 再走兩條街到紅綠燈處

Yes. Wooster Street is two blocks, - 噢 Wooster街還有兩條街的距離

and 83 is to the right, about two houses. 83 - 號是在右邊 大約過兩棟房子就到了。

It was his first date in two years. - 這是他兩年來第一次約會。

You two must be close. - 你們兩個關係一定很好。

And then, two years ago, my wife died. - 接著, 兩年前我妻子去世了。

Hand me two eggs from the refrigerator, - 替我從冰箱拿兩個蛋來。

and I'll make you two fried eggs. - 我給你煎兩個蛋。

It was on his birthday, June second, two years ago. - 是在他生日那天。兩年前的六月二日。

But I think you two can have a good time together without me. - 但我覺得, 我不去你們也會玩得很開心。

One apple. Two apples. Three apples. Four apples. - 一個蘋果。兩個蘋果。三個蘋果。四個蘋果。

We have two and a half hours. - 還有兩個半小時。

I'm only here two days, - 我只有兩天時間,

So, what were you two talking about? - 你們倆剛才談什麼了?

With two bedrooms? - 有兩間臥室嗎?

In two or three months, I'll have an advance on my book - 兩到三個月後 我能得到我那本書的預付款

with my own two hands, practically. - 差不多是獨自完成的。

I'm glad to see you two guys getting along so well - 看到你們兩位相處得這麼好我很高興,

Well, Robbie was eight pounds two ounces, - 嗯 ,Robbie生下來八磅二盎司,

to meet the rest of the troop at two o'clock at the museum. - 我們得在兩點鐘到博物館與其他童子軍會合。

Would you happen to have a room for two availbale - 你們可有一個雙人房間

with two or three other college friends. - 邀兩到三個其他的大學朋友一起。

The two of you look unbelievable! - 你們倆看起來簡直讓人難以置信!

Lillian and I were married two weeks ago in Detroit. Lillian - 和我已經在兩周前在Detroit結婚了。

Good-bye, Richard, and good luck. See you in two weeks. - 再見, Richard, 祝你好運。兩周後見。

Two weeks. I said I could do it in two weeks, and I did it. - 兩周。我說過我兩周就能完成, 現在我做到了。

A little over two hours. - 兩個鐘頭多一點。

In two hours and fifteen minutes - 再過兩小時十五分鐘

It's still a little over two hours, Harry. - 仍然還有兩個多小時, Harry。

It'll all be over in two hours. - 再兩個小時就結束了。


n. two thousand series aluminum alloy - 兩千系列鋁合金

two dimensionalchromatography; two-demensional chromatography; two-dimensional chromatography; two-dimensional paper; twodimensionalchromatography - 兩向色譜法

two hpase urination - 兩段排尿

n. two point press - 兩點壓力機

diphase; two phase; twophase - 兩相

n. rolling in two phase region - 兩相區內壓延

n. rolling in two phase region - 兩相區內軋制

n. two phase region - 兩相應

n. two step aging - 兩級時效

Two yang fumigates each other; fumigation of two yang factors in combination - 兩陽相熏灼

n. two stage cleaning - 兩階段清理

two compartment; twocompartment - 兩隔的

n. two frequency eddy current testing - 兩頻率渦流實驗

two stage assay - 二步分析法

two stage scintigraphy - 二步閃爍顯像術

two dimensional; twodimensional - 二維

two dimensional; twodimensional - 二維的

two solstices pill - 二至丸

radix two computer - 二進制電子計算機

two fold axis of symmetry - 二重對稱軸

ie; the external urethral orifice and the anus; tow lower orifices; two lower orifices - 二陰

two old drugs decoction - 二陳湯

Take two doses and see what happens - 先服兩付看看

The method may be of two forms - 其法有二

two site immunoradiometric assay - 雙位點免疫放射分析法

two site assay - 雙位點測定法

two dide test - 雙側檢驗

two signals hypothesis - 雙信號假說

n. two active gages method - 雙動作部分的電阻應變儀法

two compartmental analysis - 雙區間分析

n. opposite two active gage method - 雙向電阻應變儀方法

n. two active gages method - 雙向電阻應變儀法

two dimensionalpaperchromoatography; two-dimensional paper chromoatography - 雙向紙層析

two dimensionalpaperchromoatography; two-dimensional paper chromoatography - 雙向紙色譜法

two dimensionalchromatography; two-dimensional chromatography; twodimensionalchromatography - 雙向色譜法

two factors analysis of variance - 雙因素方差分析

double antibody method; two antibody method - 雙抗體法

rapid rotating-bscanner with two transducer - 雙探頭快速旋掃式B型儀

n. two point press - 雙點沖床

n. two point press - 雙點壓力機

n. two phase molding - 雙相模塑

two phase mortality - 雙相死亡現象

n. two arms method - 雙臂法

two channels oscilloscope - 雙通道示波器

n. two frequency eddy current testing - 雙頻渦流試驗

uterineforceps with two prongs - 雙齒子宮鉗

n. opposite two active gage method - 反向雙活動電阻應變儀法

double zoning; formation of two zones - 成雙區

antagonism; antagonism,incompatibility between two drugs; incompatibility between two drugs or antagonism - 相反

mutual restraint between two drugs; restraint between two drugs or incompatibility - 相畏


n.相反 - antagonism,incompatibility between two drugs

n.兩陽相熏灼 - fumigation of two yang factors in combination

n.成雙區 - formation of two zones

n.鎖口疔 - fruuncles tat two angles of lips

n.相反 - incompatibility between two drugs

n.相反 - incompatibility between two drugs or antagonism

n.相須 - mutual reinforcement between two drugs

n.相畏 - mutual restraint between two drugs

n.二進制電子計算機 - radix two computer

n.雙探頭快速旋掃式B型儀 - rapid rotating-bscanner with two transducer

n.相畏 - restraint between two drugs or incompatibility

n.先服兩付看看 - Take two doses and see what happens

n.腎司二陰 - the kidney controls the two private parts

n.其法有二 - The method may be of two forms

n.雙齒子宮鉗 - uterineforceps with two prongs

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