1.Purpose:Re-modifying the method of DSA puncturing arteria cerebri through arteria carotis communis. 目的:對經頸總動脈穿刺行腦動脈DSA的方法進行再次改良。
2.In some lower vertebrates the Epiphysis Cerebri - Pineal Gland - has a well-developed eye-like structure; 在一些較低等脊椎動物EpiphysisCerebri-松果體–具有像眼睛一樣發育很好的結構;
3.We also review the other subtypes of chondrosarcoma and discuss the differential diagnosis of an aggressive-appearing extra-axial hypervascular tumor at the falx cerebri. 我們也回顧其他種類的軟骨肉瘤並討論大腦鐮上血液供應豐富腫瘤的鑑別診斷。