lylen. 萊爾(男子名)
Lyle 島民;萊爾;賴爾, 法國, 島上之民。;賴爾,法國,島上之民。;Lyle Sussman 蘇士曼;薩斯曼;蘇斯曼;Lyle Strom 斯特羅姆;Lyle Campbell 坎貝爾;萊爾·坎貝爾;Lyle Goldstein 發表了哥德斯坦因;一位專家古德斯登;
1.Betty: I'm glad I'm not in his shoes. By the way, Lyle, I can't make it in till noon tomorrow. Dentist appointment. 貝蒂:幸好我跟他不一樣。對了,萊爾,這個我到明天中午才能做好。要去看牙醫。
2.The publishing world is agog and aghast that the Lyle and Carole Stuart"Hot News"private newsletter may cease to be. 出版界由司徒氏私人的「熱門聞聞」通訊可難停刊,大為驚歎。
3.Keith is confident that it is the right thing to do because he was so afraid of coming forward about Lyle Gibson's murder a few years ago. 基思堅稱,這是正確的作法,因為他在幾年前曾經害怕走出來,承擔與菜爾。吉布森身死的聯繫。