





respiratory['respərətəri, ri'spaiə-]adj. 呼吸的


respiratory 呼吸的;呼吸過程;呼吸作用的;呼吸鏈;respiratory system 呼吸系統;呼吸系統;第三章 呼吸系統;昆蟲的呼吸系統;respiratory alkalosis 呼吸性鹼中毒;呼吸性鹼毒症;呼吸性堿中毒;respiratory quotient 呼吸商數;呼吸商;呼吸比;呼吸熵;respiratory movement 呼吸運動;


1.Swine flu is a respiratory sickness caused by an influenza virus that mainly infects pigs. 豬流感是由一種能夠感染豬的流感病毒引起的呼吸系統疾病。

2."Sleep is related to everything, " said Michael Grandner, a fellow at the Center for Sleep and Respiratory Neurobiology at the University of Pennsylvania. 「睡眠跟一切都是相關的,」賓夕法尼亞大學睡眠與呼吸神經生物學中心的研究員邁克爾·格蘭德納說。

3.Rib splints can provide sufficient stability to support respiratory loading throughout the healing phase, but they cannot restore the full strength of native ribs. 結論:肋骨夾可以在癒合期提供足夠的穩定性以支持呼吸負荷,但他們不能完全恢復肋骨本來強度。


primary alveolar bronchioles; primary respiratory bronchioles - 一級呼吸細支氣管

tertiary respiratory bronchiole - 三級呼吸細支氣管

upper respiratory tract; uppr respiratory tract - 上呼吸道

upper respiratory infection; upper respiratory tract infection - 上呼吸道感染

inflammation of upper respiratory tract - 上呼吸道炎

lupus of upper respiratory tract - 上呼吸道狼瘡

upper respiratory disease - 上呼吸道疾病

sarcoidosis of the upper respiratory tract - 上呼吸道類肉瘤病

lower respiratory tract - 下呼吸道

lower respiratory infection - 下呼吸道感染

central respiratory failure - 中樞性呼吸衰竭

hypoxemic respiratory failure - 低氧血性呼吸衰竭

hypocapnic respiratory failure - 低碳酸血性呼吸衰竭

respiratory center; respiratory centre; respiratorycenter - 呼吸中樞

respiratory gases - 呼吸之氣

respiratory coefficient; respiratory quotient - 呼吸商

respiratory particle - 呼吸微粒

respiratory alkalosis - 呼吸性鹼中毒

respiratory acidosis - 呼吸性酸中毒

quantity of respiratory oxygen; quantityofrespiratoryoxygen - 呼吸氧量

respiratory rate; respiratory rates - 呼吸率

respiratory care unit - 呼吸監護病房

respiratory distress syndrome - 呼吸窘迫綜合征

respiratory disease - 呼吸系疾病

respiratory center; respiratorycenter - 呼吸系疾病中心

respiratory intensive care unit - 呼吸系病特別護理病房

respiratory disease syndrome - 呼吸系病綜合征

the respiratory system - 呼吸系統

respiratory illness opinion survey - 呼吸系統疾病意見調查

respiratory muscle myopachynsis - 呼吸肌病

respiratory pigment - 呼吸色素

respiratory failure - 呼吸衰竭

respiratory control ratio - 呼吸調節率

respiratory movement - 呼吸運動

respiratory tract - 呼吸道

respiratory syncytial - 呼吸道合胞體的

respiratory syncytial virus - 呼吸道合胞病毒

mixed vaccine of respiratory infections - 呼吸道感染混合疫苗

respiratory tract fluid - 呼吸道液體

respiratory illness - 呼吸道疾病

respiratory heme peptide - 呼吸道血紅素肽

atmungsferment; respiratory enzyme - 呼吸酶

respiratory chain - 呼吸鏈

respiratory venous wave - 呼吸靜脈波

resting respiratory level - 安靜呼吸水平

closed respiratory gas system - 密閉呼吸氣體系統

medullary respiratory center - 延髓呼吸中樞

acute upper respiratory infection - 急性上呼吸道感染

acute obstruction of upper respiratory tract - 急性上呼吸道梗阻

acute respiatary distress syndrome; acute respiratory distress sydrome - 急性呼吸窘迫綜合征


輔助呼吸嘰 - accessory respiratory muscle

n.急性上呼吸道梗阻 - acute obstruction of upper respiratory tract

急性呼吸道疾病 - acute respiratory disease

n.急性呼吸窘迫綜合征 - acute respiratory distress sydrome

急性呼吸窘迫綜合征 - acute respiratory distress syndrome

n.急性呼吸衰竭 - acute respiratory failure

n.急性呼吸道疾病 - acute respiratory illness

急性上一下氣道炎 - acute upper-lower respiratory infection

n.急性上呼吸道感染 - acute upper respiratory infection

急性上氣道炎 - acute upper respiratory inflammation

n.成人呼吸窘迫症 - adult respiratory distress

n.成人呼吸窘迫綜合征 - adult respiratory distress sydrome

n.成人呼吸窘迫綜合征 - adult respiratory distress syndrome

牛呼吸合胞體病毒感染 - bovine respiratory syncytial virus infection

細胞呼吸抑制 - cellular respiratory inhibition

n.中樞性呼吸衰竭 - central respiratory failure

n.腦呼吸商 - cerebral respiratory quotient

n.慢性呼吸系統疾病 - chronic respiratory disease

n.慢性呼吸衰竭 - chronic respiratory failure

n.密閉呼吸氣體系統 - closed respiratory gas system

外呼吸室,外呼吸腔 - external respiratory cavity

呼吸肌疲勞 - fatigue of the respiratory muscle

n.胎兒呼吸運動 - fetal respiratory movement

n.高碳酸血症性呼吸衰竭 - hypercapnic respiratory failure

n.低碳酸血性呼吸衰竭 - hypocapnic respiratory failure

n.低氧血性呼吸衰竭 - hypoxemic respiratory failure

n.特發性呼吸窘迫綜合征 - idiopathic respiratory distress syndrome

n.呼吸道感染 - infection of the respiratory

n.感染性呼吸系統疾病 - infective respiratory ststem disease

嬰兒呼吸窘迫綜合症 - infantile respiratory distress syndrome

n.上呼吸道炎 - inflammation of upper respiratory tract

內呼吸腔 - internal respiratory cavity

n.下呼吸道感染 - lower respiratory infection

下呼吸道感染性疾病 - lower respiratory infectious disease

n.下呼吸道 - lower respiratory tract

n.上呼吸道狼瘡 - lupus of upper respiratory tract

n.最大呼吸移動 - maximum respiratory excursion

呼吸肌功能檢測設備 - measurement device of respiratory muscle function

n.延髓呼吸中樞 - medullary respiratory center

n.混合性呼吸暫停 - mixed respiratory arrest

n.混合呼吸道疫苗 - mixed respiratory vaccine

n.呼吸道感染混合疫苗 - mixed vaccine of respiratory infections

新生兒呼吸窘迫綜合症,新生兒呼吸窘迫綜合證 - neonatal respiratory distress syndrome

n.非蛋白呼吸商 - non-protein respiratory quotient

n.非蛋白呼吸商 - nonprotein respiratory quotient

n.梗阻性呼吸暫停 - obstructive respiratory arrest

n.末梢呼吸細支氣管 - peripheral respiratory bronchiole

n.一級呼吸細支氣管 - primary respiratory bronchioles

n.防禦性呼吸反射 - protective respiratory reflex

n.呼吸氧量,氧氣吸收量 - quantity of respiratory oxygen


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