





esophagealadj. [解]食管的;食道的


esophageal 食管的;食道的;食管的, 食道的;esophageal dilator 食道擴張器;食管擴張器;釋義:食管擴張器;esophageal probe 食管探子;釋義:食管探子;esophageal stethoscope 食管聽診器;食道聽診器;釋義:食管聽診器;esophageal web 食管蹼;食管蹼,;釋義:食管蹼;


1.Esophageal carcinoma is a common malignancy. 食管癌是常見的惡性腫瘤。

2.Objective: To study the diagnosis and surgical treatment of esophageal perforation. 目的:探討食管穿孔的診斷與外科治療方法。

3.The doctor will do an endoscopic examination and esophageal variceal ligation treatment soon. 醫生很快將會做內視鏡檢查和食道靜脈結紮術治療。


tri-lumen esophageal tube - 三通食道管

artificial esophagus; esophageal prosthesis - 人工食道

congenital esophageal compression - 先天性食管受壓

congenital esophageal web - 先天性食管蹼

postoperative esophageal fistula - 手術後食管瘺

constrictive type of esophageal carcinoma - 縮窄型食管癌

anterior esophageal plexus - 食管前叢

esophageal arteries; rami esophagei aortae thoracicae - 食管動脈

esophageal impression of liver; impressio esophagea hepatis - 食管壓跡

esophageal cyst - 食管囊腫

esophageal reflux - 食管回流

esophageal pneumatosis cystoid - 食管多發性氣性類囊腫

esophageal achalasia; esophagealachalasia - 食管失弛緩症

esophageal lead - 食管導程

esophageal localized spasm - 食管局限性痙攣

enucleation of esophageal leiomyoma - 食管平滑肌瘤摘出術

esophageal leiomyosarcoma - 食管平滑肌肉瘤

diffuse esophageal spasm - 食管瀰漫性痙攣

esophageal eructation - 食管性暖氣

esophageal polyp - 食管息肉

esophageal diverticulum - 食管憩室

esophageal abrasive balloon - 食管拉網

upper border of esophageal sphincter - 食管括約肌上緣

repair of esophageal injuries - 食管損傷修復術

lower esophageal sphincter pressure - 食管下端托約肌壓力

esophageal papiloma - 食管乳頭瘤

esophageal pseudosarcoma - 食管假肉瘤

congenital esophageal anomaly - 食管先天性畸形

intra esophageal ph determination - 食管內PH定

esophageal probe - 食管內探關

esophageal hamartoma - 食管構瘤

esophageal biopsy forceps - 食管活檢鉗

esophageal peptic ulcer - 食管消化性潰瘍

esophageal lymphangioma - 食管淋巴管瘤

esophageal ulcer - 食管潰瘍

esophageal acid perfusion test - 食管滴酸試驗

esophageal ring - 食管環

esophageal fistula - 食管瘺

excision of esophageal fistula - 食管瘺切除術

cicartricial stricture of esophagus; esophageal cicatricial stenosis - 食管瘢痕狹窄

resection of esophageal carcinoma - 食管癌切除術

esophageal perforation; perforation of esophagus - 食管穿孔

esophageal cast - 食管管型

esophageal mucosa erosion - 食管粘膜糜爛

esophageal fibromyomma; esophageal myfibroma - 食管纖維肌瘤

esophageal fibro angioma - 食管纖維脂肪瘤

esophageal fibroma - 食管纖維血管瘤

esophageal nervous dyskinesia - 食管經性運動障礙

esophageal tuberculosis - 食管結核

esophageal sarcoma - 食管肉瘤


n.食管前叢 - anterior esophageal plexus

n.食管良性巨大細胞瘤 - benign esophageal giant cell tumor

n.食管良性腫瘤 - benign esophageal tumor

食管環連合 - circum esophageal commissure

n.食管先天性畸形 - congenital esophageal anomaly

先天性食道閉鎖 - congenital esophageal atresia

n.先天性食管受壓 - congenital esophageal compression

n.先天性食管蹼 - congenital esophageal web

n.縮窄型食管癌 - constrictive type of esophageal carcinoma

n.食管瀰漫性痙攣 - diffuse esophageal spasm

n.食管平滑肌瘤摘出術 - enucleation of esophageal leiomyoma

n.食管瘺切除術 - excision of esophageal fistula

n.食管外的 - extra esophageal

n.食管靜脈曲張出血 - hemorrhage from esophageal varices

n.食管內PH定 - intra esophageal ph determination

上食道狹窄 - lower esophageal ring

n.食管下端托約肌壓力 - lower esophageal sphincter pressure

n.手術後食管瘺 - postoperative esophageal fistula

n.食管損傷修復術 - repair of esophageal injuries

n.食管癌切除術 - resection of esophageal carcinoma

n.食管後的 - retro esophageal

n.氣管食管 - tracheo esophageal

n.三通食道管 - tri-lumen esophageal tube

n.食管括約肌上緣 - upper border of esophageal sphincter

n.食管靜脈 - venae esophageal

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