





n. celluloid ,flick ,photographic film ,plastic filmv. shoot ,take


film[film]n. 電影;薄膜;膠卷;輕煙vt. 在…上覆以薄膜;把…拍成電影vi. 攝制電影;生薄膜;變得朦朧


film 膠片,膠卷;電影;膠卷;膜;Film Grain 膠片顆粒;模擬膠片噪點;(膠片顆粒)可以在圖像的暗調和中間調部分運用均勻的圖案。可以使圖像較亮的區域更平滑,更飽和。該濾鏡對於消除混合中的色帶及在視覺上統一不同來源的像素非常重要。;(膠片顆粒)可以在圖像的暗調和中間調部分運用均勻的圖案。可以使圖像較亮的區域更平滑,更飽和。該濾鏡對於消除混合中的色帶及在視覺上統一不同來源的像素非常重要。;film noir 黑色電影;具有悲觀(或宿命論)色彩的影片;黑色電影;黑色影片;film types 電影類型;影視類別;類型;feature film 故事片;長片;故事片,長片,正片;劇情片;

film的參考例句 film a slice of bread with butter 給一片麵包抹上一層薄薄的黃油

2.Can you develop this film for us? 你能代我們沖洗這個膠卷嗎?

3.Can you develop this film for me? 你能把這個膠卷沖洗出來嗎?


These are the models from the Japanese film maker. - 這些是那位日本電影製片家那裡的模型。

I left my bag of film on the ferry. - 我把裝底片的旅行袋遺放在渡船上了。

Your brother left his bag of film on the ferryboat. - 你哥哥將他的旅行袋遺放在渡船上了。

Hey, you know? There's still some film left on this roll, - 嘿 ,知道嗎? 這一張 ,還有一些底片,

You didn't put film in the camera, silly! - 笨蛋,攝影機裡沒有放膠卷。

Once the film stops showing, they won't even remember your name. - 一旦你的電影停播了,你也就會很快被人忘記。

The film was quite enjoyable. - 這部電影很有趣。

They enjoyed the film very immensely. - 他們非常喜歡這部電影。

The film touched our hearts. - 那部影片打動了我們。

I watched the film and cried throughout. - 我看那部電影時從頭哭到尾。

Did the film live up to your expectations? - 這部電影達到你期望的標準了嗎?

Does his film appeal to you? - 你喜歡他的電影嗎?

They say the new film is an adventure story. - 他們說這新電影是一個冒險故事。

I want to see the film again. - 我真想再看一遍。

I'd like to get this film developed. - 我要沖洗這卷膠卷。

It is the best film that I have ever seen. - 這是我所看過的最好的電影。

There is an interesting film on Channel one. - 在一頻道有一部有趣的電影。

I don't want to make another film for a long time. - 我早就不想再拍片子了。

She told reporters she felt very tired and didn't want to make another film for a long time.' - 她告訴記者她感到很疲勞,早就不想再拍電影了。

A quiet day's fishing, or eight hours in a cinema seeing the same film over and over again, is usually as far as they get. - 他們通常能夠做到的,至多也就是安靜地釣上一天魚,或在電影院裡坐上8個小時,一遍遍地看同一部電影。

'No newspaper men, no film fans! Why don't we come more often?' - 米爾斯表示同意,「沒有記者,沒有影迷!我們為什麼不經常來這裡呢?」

The real escapist can watch a film and sip champagne on some services. - 真正會享受的人還可以在某些航班上看一場電影和喝香檳。

The film itself wasn't good but I liked the music. - 電影本身不怎麼樣,但音樂還不錯。

Do you know what time the film begins? - 你知道電影何時開始?

An important film director saw Chaplin acting a very funny part in a play. - 一位頗有影響的電影導演看了卓別林在一個劇中扮演的一個非常滑稽的角色。

As a result, Chaplin got his first film part in the States. - 結果,卓別林在美國有機會扮演了他的第一個電影角色。

Before he died, he was honoured in a number of ways for his contributions to the film industry. - 在他逝世之前,由於在電影業上所作的貢獻,人們以不同方式授予他許多榮譽。

The film was set in California in the middle of the nineteenth century. - 這部影片是以19世紀中葉加利福尼亞為背景的。


endoscopic film projector - 內腔鏡攝片投影儀

stripping film method - 剝裸法

n. film holder - 底片夾

n. film contrast - 底片襯度

n. film viewer,illuminator - 底片觀察器

n. film former - 成膜劑

n. film forming material - 成膜材料

diffusion film coefficient - 擴散膜係數

stripping film technique - 揭膜技術

stripping film method - 揭膜法

n. film applicator - 敷膜機

n. each film forming efficiency - 每層膜形成效率

n. oxide film treatment - 氧化膜處理

x-ray film processor - 洗片器

film hanger - 洗片架

dipping film method; dipping film technique - 浸膜法

n. film marker - 塗膜標誌

film distillation apparatus - 液膜蒸餾器

focus film distance - 焦點膠片距離

dental film viewing-box - 牙科X光看片燈

dental film holder - 牙科X線洗片夾

n. film marker - 電影攝影者

n. soap film analogy - 皂膜模擬

n. soap film analogy - 皂膜模擬法

soap film gas meter - 皂膜氣量

soap film gas meter - 皂膜氣量計

soap film flowmeter - 皂膜流量

soap film flowmeter - 皂膜流量計

n. film viewer - 看片器

n. magnetic thin film for memory device - 磁性薄膜存儲裝置

x-ray film paper cassette - 紙質X光暗盒

film badge - 膠片佩章劑量計

film guide - 膠片保護夾架

film badge - 膠片劑量計

film clip; n. film holder - 膠片夾

n. film contrast - 膠片對比度

film cabinet; film container - 膠片貯櫃

film density - 膠片黑度

chest film cassette holder - 胸部攝影用暗盒架

plain film of vertebra - 脊椎平片

abdominal plain film examination - 腹部平片檢查

n. film flotation - 膜成型

n. film growth - 膜生長

automatic x-ray film processor - 自動洗片器

fluorescent film technique - 螢光薄膜技術

filter film cultivation; membrane filtration culture method - 薄濾膜培養法

n. thin film medium - 薄膜介質

thin film optics - 薄膜光學

film coating; filmcoating - 薄膜包衣

film coated tablet - 薄膜包衣片


n.腹部平片 - abdominal plain film

n.腹部平片檢查 - abdominal plain film examination

n.吸附膜 - adsorption film

n.正側位片 - anterioposterior and lateral film

n.自動洗片器 - automatic x-ray film processor

n.雙分子膜 - bimolecular film

n.血膜,血塗片 - blood film

n.胸部攝影用暗盒架 - chest film cassette holder

火棉膠薄膜,火棉膠膠片 - collodion film

n.彩色膠片,彩色影片 - color film

n.複製片 - copy o f film

牙片,牙照片 - dental film

n.牙科X線洗片夾 - dental film holder

n.牙科X光看片燈 - dental film viewing-box

n.擴散膜係數 - diffusion film coefficient

n.浸膜法 - dipping film method

n.浸膜法 - dipping film technique

n.記錄片 - documentary film

n.複製片 - duplicated film

可食膠片 - edible film

n.內腔鏡攝片投影儀 - endoscopic film projector

n.立位片 - erect film

紅黴素虎珀酸酯 - ethyl cellulose film

n.薄濾膜培養法 - filter film cultivation

n.螢光薄膜技術 - fluorescent film technique

n.焦點膠片距離 - focus film distance

n.液膜不均勻性 - heterogeneity of liquid film

n.界面膜 - interfacial film

n.側臥水平片 - lateral decubitus film

內膜 - lining film

n.液膜 - liquid film

n.分子膜 - molecular film

n.單分子膜 - monomolecular film

n.多層膜 - multilayer film

n.多分子膜 - multimolecular film

n.底片 - negative film

n.鎳鉻合金片 - nichrome film

n.核裂變鏈式反應 - nuclear-emulsion film

n.非極性薄膜柱 - non-polar thin film column

n.斜位片 - oblique film

n.正色膠片 - orthochromatic film

塗膜 - paint film

n.平片 - plain film

n.脊椎平片 - plain film of vertebra

n.高分子膜 - polymolecular film

前角膜,角膜前膜 - precorneal film

n.錄音膠片 - recording film

n.皂膜流量,皂膜流量計 - soap film flowmeter

n.皂膜氣量,皂膜氣量計 - soap film gas meter

n.點片 - spot film


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