incurringn. 招致(遭受)
incurring 遭受、招致;human incurring error 人為差錯;loss-incurring enterprises 虧損企業;loss-incurring enterprise 虧損企業;loss-incurring route 虧本路線;
1.D. Orders incurring revenue over $100, 000 would be considered projects and would involve project management. 訂單收入在100,000美金之上的才可稱作項目,才能運用到項目管理。
2.Financial institutions may use warehouse list loans and close-ended loans to support loss-incurring enterprises with order forms and guarantee for paying the loans. 對暫時虧損但產品有訂單、還款有保證的出口生產企業,各金融機構可以運用倉單質押、封閉貸款方式加以支持。
3.One does not create more electrical sacred geometry or machinery beloved, and if this is what is flowing through one's field, then one is only incurring global harm. 一個人不該再創造更多的電性神聖幾何學或機械了,親愛的,而如果這是流經一個人能量場的事,那這個人就只能引發全球傷害。