nebulae['nebjulai, -li:]n. 星雲
nebulae 星雲;emission nebulae 發射星雲;氣體星雲;散射星雲;spiral nebulae 渦狀星雲;planetary nebulae 行星狀星雲;nebula nebulae 星雲;
1.Some nebulae appear to be completely engulfed by exceedingly large molecular clouds. 有些氣體星雲似乎被極其巨大的分子雲完全包圍。
2.You can use them to see the stunning pair of nebulae known as the Trifid and the Lagoon. 您可以用它們看到一對驚人的紫色雲星,眾所周知的三裂星雲和礁湖星雲。
3.While stars and nebulae look like specks or small patches of light . they are really enormous bodies. 星星和星雲看起來只是斑點點,或者是小片光,但它們確實是巨大天體。
Was the philosopher who refused to look through Galileo's telescope more culpable than those who alleged that the spiral nebulae observed with Lord Rosse's great telescope in the eighteen-forties were scratches left by the grinder? - 某位哲學家曾拒絕使用伽利略的望遠鏡去觀察天空;到了19世紀40年代,有人硬把羅斯勳爵高倍望遠鏡觀測到的螺旋狀星雲說成是磨鏡工留下的磨痕。難道反對伽利略的哲學家比詆毀羅斯勳爵造謠者應受到更大的譴責嗎?