Crimson Sabre 碧血劍; 碧血劍;Sabre Dance 劍舞;馬刀舞;軍刀舞;馬刀舞曲;sabre rattling 戰爭叫囂;張牙舞爪;Sabre 佩劍;重劍;馬刀;軍刀,馬刀,佩刀;Sabre Dance 劍舞;馬刀舞;軍刀舞;馬刀舞曲;
1.On the basis of soft toothed belt drive, a new toothed belt reducer has been designed. 在軟齒帶傳動基礎上設計了一種新的齒帶式減速器。
2.On the basis of soft toothed belt drive, a new toothed belt reducer has been designed. 在軟齒帶傳動基礎上設計了一種新的齒帶式減速器。
3.Foil, epee and sabre are the three weapons used in fencing competitions. 花劍,重劍和佩劍三種劍在擊劍比賽中使用。
4.TAN XUE won the individual sabre gold after taking Olympic silver in Athens. 譚雪繼雅典奧運擊劍銀牌後,又贏得亞運會個人擊劍金牌。
5.The coincidence of the two shows exemplifies the glitzy entertainment and sabre-rattling that are so close in Kremlin ideology. 兩場表演的巧合說明了在克里姆林宮的意識形態中,眩目娛樂與武力展示十分相近。
The mammoth has now been restored in the Palaeontological Museum in Leningrad. Other animals were trapped in tar pits, like the elephants, sabre-toothed cats, and numerous other creatures that are found at Rancho la Brea,which is now just a suburb of Los - 這頭長毛像已被修復,現存於聖彼得堡古生物學博物館。有的動物掉進天然瀝清坑裡被保存下來,如在蘭橋。拉。布裡 -- 現在是洛杉磯的郊區發現的大象、劍齒虎和許多其他動物。
And then, when they were dead, the carnivores, like the sabre-toothed cats and the giant wolves, came out to feed and suffered exactly the same fate. - 大象死後,一些食肉動物,如劍齒虎和大灰狼就來吃大象,結果遭到了同樣的命運。