tempos['tempəu]n.tempo的變形n. 【音樂】速度;拍子進度;發展速度【國際象棋】 (下棋的)一著;一步變形: tempos , tempi
tempos 拍子;Tempos Depois 硬搖滾;velhos tempos 古代;Tempos de Paz 和平年代;Final dos Tempos 垃圾搖滾;
1.Mixed?pace couples can avoid driving each other crazy by finding ways to accommodate each other's tempos. 節奏不同的夫妻可以找到容納雙方節奏的方式避免使對方發瘋。
2.It features sonorous drawn-out strains, beautiful arias and flexible tempos, which contributes to its enduring charm and appeal. 其曲調高亢悠長,唱腔優美,節拍自由,韻味濃厚,頗具感染力。
3."Drivers had more than twice as many accidents when they were listening to fast tempos as when they listened to slow or medium-paced numbers, " New Scientist magazine said. 《新科學家》雜誌說:「與聽慢速或中速音樂時相比,司機們聽快節奏音樂時發生事故的次數增加了不止一倍。」