abidjann. 阿比讓(科特迪瓦首都)
Abidjan 阿比讓;阿必尚;阿比尚;科特迪瓦;ABIDJAN AIRPORT 阿比讓機場 科特迪瓦 ABI;Secrets of Abidjan 阿比的秘密;xian to Abidjan air tickets 西安到阿比讓機票,西安到阿比讓航班,;hangzhou to Abidjan air tickets 杭州到阿比讓機票,杭州到阿比讓航班,;
1.He gave me the file containing the fund lodgement documents and I quickly left Bouake to Abidjan for our safety. 他給我的檔案載有基金報關文件和我很快就離開布瓦凱阿比讓,為我們的安全。
2.Hiddink joins them, sharing a joke or engaging in more serious debates such as the stadium tragedy in Abidjan, of particular poignancy to Didier Drogba. 這時,希丁克就加入他們,說點笑話,或者討論一些嚴肅的問題,而科特迪瓦人德羅巴的加入往往讓爭論更加激烈。
3.As a result of the political instability in my country even after the war, my father established his cocoa and coffee export business in Abidjan , Ivory Coast . 由於政治不穩定,在我的國度,甚至戰爭結束後,我的父親,他建立了可可和咖啡的出口業務在阿比讓,象牙海岸。