





n. bargain ,stealv. bribe ,corrupt ,grease one's palms ,purchase


v. sell


buy[bai]vt. 購買;獲得;賄賂vi. 買,採購n. 購買,買賣;所購的物品


Buy 買入;購買;買;買進;new buy 購入新產品;buy out 出錢使(某人)放棄地位;購買(某人的)產權或全部貨物;出錢放棄;出錢使(某人)放棄地位;good buy 價廉物美的東西;廉價品;價廉物美的物品;buy order 買盤;買盤 -------[光年網原創;買入札;買盤 財經;


1.I bought myself a car. 我為自己買了一輛汽車。

2.You can buy the wines at cost. 你可以按成本價買這幾種酒。

3.Buy this one when he sees it. 他看到這個時,一定會很想買。


I'd like to buy some stamps for this letter. - 我想買這封信的郵票。

Yeah, just like I certainly did not expect to buy these gifts at such low prices. - 是啊,我怎麼也沒想到買這些禮物才花了這麼點錢。

Yes. Those are excellent gifts. Who else do you need to buy for? - 當然,這是都是最佳禮物。你還需要買給誰?

I would like to buy a diamond necklace for my wife. - 我想為我的妻子買一條鑽石項鏈。

I want to buy an engagement ring for my fiancee. - 我想為我的未婚妻買一枚訂婚戒指。

Can I buy you a drink? - 我能為你買杯酒嗎?

We're out of toilet paper again. Let's buy some more rolls. - 咱們又沒衛生紙了。再多買幾卷吧。

I want to buy a sleeper ticket to New York. - 我想買張到紐約的臥鋪票。

Let's buy some potted plants for the dining room. - 我們需要買一些盆栽裝飾飯廳。

If you don't give me a better price, I won't buy this. - 如果價格不更優惠些,我是不會買的。

I don't buy it. - 我可不買你的賬。

I only buy used books. - 我只買舊書。

This is a good deal: buy 1, get 1 free. - 這可是個好買賣:買一送一。

Do I get a better price if I buy in bulk? - 我多買能便宜一點嗎?

Can I buy travelers checks here? - 這兒能買旅行支票嗎?

I would like to buy some stamps, please. - 我想買些郵票。

Is it possible that we forgot to buy cinnamon? - 是不是我們忘了買肉桂?

Yes, it is possible that we forgot to buy cinnamon. - 是的, 我們可能忘了買肉桂。

Grandpa wanted to lend us the money to buy one, - 爺爺要借給我們錢去買房子,

When did you buy a house? - 那你們在什麼時候買房子呢?

If someone doesn't buy it before then, - 如果在此之前沒有人買走的話。

We're planning to buy a house. - 我們計劃買一棟房子。

No. If we buy a house, I want to be able to handle it alone. - 不, 如果我們買房子, 我希望能夠自行負責。

Somebody else'll buy it by then. - 別人也許買走了。

I won't buy you story. - 我不信你那一套。

I buy some food on my way home. - 我回家路上買些吃的。

to buy a new house. - 來買一棟新房子。

I won't permit you to buy a crossbow, now or ever. - 我不會允許你買弓弩的,永遠也不會。

Well, we all go through this at some stage of life, some of us buy a wig and some of us just stay bald. - 我們全部會在生命中的某個時期經歷脫髮這種事,有些人會去買假髮,有些人則會留個光頭。

Their after-sales service was just so bad that I decided to never buy anything from that shop again. - 他們的售後服務太差了,所以我決定從此不再能家商店買東西。

Money can't buy happiness, believe me. - 金錢買不到幸福,相信我。

I want to buy shares in multi-national pharmaceutical company. - 我想購買一家跨國醫藥公司的股票。

People rushed to buy the shares. - 人們搶著購買股票。

The police will never buy that story. - 警方絕對不會相信這個說法。

The refused to buy that explanation. - 他們拒絕接受那樣的解釋。

When did you buy the car? - 你什麼時候買的車?

I wondered if you could buy me some pencils? - 我不知道你是否能替我買鉛筆?

If you buy that home,will you spend the rest of your life there? - 如果你買那住宅,你將在這裡過餘下的日子嗎?

I'm going shopping because I need to buy some clothes. - 我要去購物,因為我需要買一些衣服。

If I buy tha car,I'll have to borrow some money. - 如果我買了那汽車,我將不得不借一些錢。

It'll take almost all my savings to buy the ticket. - 買票將花了我幾乎所有的積蓄。

I'd like to buy an excursion pass instead. - 我要買一張優待票代替。

I want to buy some traveller's checks. - 我想買些旅行支票。

It must be rather difficult for us to push any sales if we buy it at this price. - 如果我們按這個價格購買,將很能難推銷。

We can't persuade the end-users to buy your products at this price. - 按這個價格,我們不能說服用戶購買你們的產品。

I really feel bad about it. Let me buy you a new one. - 我真為這件事感到遺憾。我給你買一本新的吧。

I only need a thousand more pennies to buy my airplane. - 我只要在有一千個一角的銅板,就能買一架飛機了。

Won't you buy me a newspaper on your way home? - 回家的時候,替我買份報紙好不好?

Don't forget to buy it for him. - 不要忘記買給他。

How many of these are you going to buy her? - 你要買多少給她?


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