lake-wood 降香木;
1.In our old Muskoka farmhouse on Oxtongue Lake, Mother was still cooking year-round on a wood stove. 我們原來住在牛舌湖畔的馬斯科卡農舍,母親常年使用的是一個木材火爐。
2.We're inside a tree, 15 feet above a lake, high in the Rocky Mountains. We're in a nest of wood duck eggs, hatching after a 30-day incubation. 我們在落基山脈,離湖面15英尺高的樹裡。我們在經過了30天的孵化後的木鴨巢裡。
3.Herman Miller operates several US subsidiaries: Geiger, located in Atlanta, Georgia, and Lake Mills, Wisconsin, specializes in the production of high-quality wood furniture for the corporate office. 赫爾曼米勒經營數家美國子公司,分別為:蓋革,設在美國喬治亞州的亞特蘭大,和湖造紙廠,威斯康星,專門生產高品質的木製傢俱為公司辦公室。