POMSabbr. 心境量表(Profile of Mood States);生產和經營管理學會(Production and Operations Management Society)
POMS 心境狀態圖;Profile of Mood States;Panel on Operational Meteorological Satellites;採購管理系統;Pang Poms 魔法氣泡;pump pom-poms 甩綵球(拉拉隊用的毛狀球);Pom-poms 棒,簡明心境;POMS-SF 量表;
1.You put me in a pink hood with two dangling pom poms yesterday. 昨天,你給我帶上吊著兩個絨球的粉紅嬰兒帽;
2.Emily Dickinson's poms are among America's favorites, most of all, perhaps, because they help us see ordinary things in new ways. 她的大部分詩歌都為美國人民所喜愛,因為這些詩歌幫助我們從一個新的角度看待普通事物。
3.The whole and broader picture of Qing Dynaty which was at the end of the rope, was shown in his poms by popular and simple language. 他的詩作以通俗樸實的語言,再現了清王朝走向衰敗時期的廣闊社會畫面。