a. sized
unsized 未確定大小的;未施膠;未分大小的;未篩分的;unsized fabric 無漿布;無漿布,未上漿布;unsized paper 非施膠紙;未施膠紙;無漿紙;unsized warp 無漿輕紗;unsized array 未確定大小的數組;可變大小數組;可變大小陣列;可變大小數組 可變大小陣列;
1.Filter paper: High quality hand or machine-made unsized paper used for filtering not only liquids but gases, according to grade. 濾紙:高品質手造或機造的無紙張。是其品質,它不獨用做過濾液體,還可用做過濾氣體。
2.Based on analysis of the characteristics of cemented fill of high density unsized tailings, the authors describe its research work, system design and development emphases in China. 通過分析全尾砂高濃度(膏體)膠結充填特點,簡要介紹了我國全尾砂高濃度(膏體)膠結充填研究及膠結充填系統設計,並提出了我國全尾砂高濃度膠結充填的發展重點。
3.This paper introduced the experiment of filling mined bed with unsized tailing and consolidating it with polyhydrite materials which is firstly conducted in China by Lingshan Gold Mine. 文章介紹了靈山金礦在國內首例採用全尾砂實現高水固結充填試驗。