Astoria Canyon 阿斯托裡亞海底峽谷;Bering Canyon 白令海底峽谷;Brahmaputra Grand Canyon 雅魯藏布江大峽谷;Breeders Canyon 養育者峽谷;canyon 峽谷;峽谷[常用於比喻某些生物大分子的主體結構特徵;山谷效果;山谷混響效果;
1.The spire bridge allows travelers to traverse the canyon without running into the barbaric centaur who patrol the canyon floor. 頂端的橋樑可以讓旅行者直接通過峽谷,避免遭遇到在峽谷裡巡邏的野蠻的半人馬。
2.Bingham pit is the largest open-air copper mine in the world. It is located in the Bingham Canyon to the southwest of the Salt Lake City, so it is also called the Bingham Canyon mine. 世界上最大的露天銅礦場的銅礦區賓翰大礦坑,坐落在鹽湖城西南方的賓翰峽谷又稱為賓翰峽谷銅礦場。
3.For oblique incidence, considerable amplification is observed in front of the canyon, and a prominent shadow zone is realized behind the canyon. 對於斜入射角,在峽谷的前方,會觀察到很大的位移放大,而在峽谷的背面,會有很明顯的凹陷帶。
4.Urban canyon is the main source of urban sensible heat flux. Thus, urban canyon can not be neglected in the urban weather research. 城市峽谷是城市感熱通量的主要來源,因此,在研究城市氣象時不能忽略城市峽谷的影響。
5.The medium sand and fine sand only appear on both sides of the canyon area, indicating that Kao-ping Submarine Canyon is the barrier to medium sand and fine sand longshore transport. 同時,中、細紗粒徑群沈積物主要分佈於峽谷的左右兩側地區,顯示峽谷對中、細砂粒徑群沈積物的傳輸是一種屏障阻隔。
chasms wider than the Grand Canyon and at least one mountain more than twice as tall as Everest. - 比大峽谷還寬的裂縫,起碼有一座山有珠穆朗瑪峰的近兩倍高。