Annihilate conquer 消滅征服;conquer 征服,克服;征服;戰勝;克服;Conquer Online 征服;I conquer 我過關斬將;Conquer City 征服城市;
1.In fact, out of a total of 215 diseases known to medical science, there are only about eight or nine which doctors conquer—the rest conquer themselves. 實際上,醫學所知的疾病種類一共215種,而醫生能對付的只有其中的八、九種,其餘的都是依靠人類的自我治療。
2.Scientists battling to conquer disease. 科學家奮力克服疾病。
3.A wrote the following text "Just woke up and saw the result. Boohoo! You'll conquer them next time." 上周我看見一對夫婦過來了幾次,其中妻子戴著副香奈爾的眼鏡,兩人開始一同在健身器材上鍛煉。
4.Man will after all conquer natural calamities. 人類終究將戰勝自然災害。
5.Love casts out fear, and gratitude can conquer pride. 愛驅散了恐懼,感激則能征服傲慢。