





n. canal ,channel ,epithelial duct


duct[dʌkt]n. 輸送管,導管vt. 用導管輸送;以導管封住


duct 導管;管道;通風口;風道;cable duct 電纜管道;電纜導管;電纜槽;電纜溝;Ventilation duct 通風管;通風管道;通風道;通氣管;thoracic duct 胸導管;胸管;釋義:胸導管;exhaust duct 排氣管道;排氣管;排氣導管;排氣道;


1.The implication presumably is that the duct tape replaces skill. 其含義當然是這種管道膠帶能取代技能。

2.Underneath it can be seen an curious underground stream or duct. 在它下面可以看見一奇怪的暗流或輸送管。

3.Duct tape is like the Force. It has a light side and a dark side, and it holds the universe together. 膠帶猶如自然之力,它有光明的一面和黑暗的一面,正是這兩個方面使宇宙成為一體。


mullerian duct cyst; paramesonephric duct cyst - 中腎旁管囊腫

mesonephric duct cyst - 中腎管囊腫

mesonephric duct system - 中腎管系統

mammary duct ectasia - 乳管擴張症

mammary duct ectasia - 乳腺管擴張

vitelline duct cyst - 卵黃管囊腫

viteline duct fistula - 卵黃管瘺

vitelline duct fistulectomy - 卵黃管瘺切除術

gartners duct cyst - 卵巢縱管囊腫

duct of bulbourethral gland; ductus glandulae bulbourethralis - 尿道球腺管

duct of his; ductus tyyrodlossus - 希斯氏管

patent duct forceps - 未閉導管鉗

lachrymal duct forceps - 淚管鉗

duct of eirsung; duct of wirsung pancreatic duct - 維爾松氏管

cochlear duct membrane - 耳蝸管膜

cochlear duct membrane - 耳蝸覆膜

hepatic duct stenosis - 肝管狹窄

hepatic duct atresia - 肝管閉鎖

biliary cystic duct syndrome; cholecyst duct syndrome - 膽囊管綜合征

cholecystic duct partial obstruction syndrome - 膽囊管部分梗阻綜合征

common bile duct bougte - 膽總管探條

common bile duct forceps - 膽總管鉗

bile duct knife - 膽管刀

bile duct probe - 膽管探條

biliary duct cannula - 膽管病

bile duct ligature forceps - 膽管結紮鉗

bile duct forceps - 膽管鉗

bile duct spesulum; choledochoscope - 膽管鏡

gall duct irrigating instrument - 膽道沖洗器

bile duct irrigating tube - 膽道沖洗管

thoracic duct pressure - 胸導管壓力

thoracic duct drainage - 胸導管引流

thracic duct flow - 胸導管流量

thoracic duct lymph - 胸導管淋巴

thoracic duct lymphocyte - 胸導管淋巴細胞

thoracic duct fistula - 胸導管瘺

deferential duct hook - 輸精管鉤

gartners duct cyst of vagina - 陰道卵巢冠縱管囊腫

ductus epoophori longitudinalis; longitudinal duct of epoophoron - 附卵巢縱管

duct of dpididymis; ductus epididymidis - 附睪管

craniopharyngeal duct tumor; craniopharyngioma; rathkes pouch tumor - 顱咽管瘤

intubation of nasolacrimal duct; nasolacrimal duct intubation - 鼻淚管插管術

cantholysis of naso-lacrimal duct stricture - 鼻淚管狹窄眥分離術


n.射精管缺失 - absence of ejaculatory duct

n.副胰管,桑托裡尼氏管 - accessory pancreatic duct

n.伯納爾氏管 - accessory pancretic duct

n.膽管腺癌 - adenocarcinoma of bile duct

n.膽管腺瘤 - adenoma of bile duct

輸入管 - afferent duct

n.中腎旁管發育不全 - agenesis of mullerian duct

氣道 - air duct

輸精管壺腹部 - ampulla of deferent duct

肺泡管 - alveolar duct

n.腮腺導管吻合術 - anastomosis of parotid duct

胰膽管合流異常 - anomalous arrangement of the pancreaticobiliary duct

n.前膜半觀管 - anterior semicircular duct

n.博塔洛氏管 - arterial duct

n.有節乳液管 - articulate latex duct

膽管閉塞症 - atresia of bile duct

n.射精管閉鎖 - atresia of ejaculatory duct

n.淚鼻管閉鎖 - atresia of lacrimonasal duct

n.巴多林氏管 - bartholins duct

蝸管基底脊 - basilar crest of cochlear duct

n.伯納爾氏管 - bernards duct

n.膽管 - bile duct

膽管癌,膽管腺癌 - bile duct adenocarcinoma

膽管腺瘤 - bile duct adenoma

膽管癌 - bile duct cancer

膽管癌,膽道癌 - bile duct carcinoma

膽管病 - bile duct disease

n.膽管鉗 - bile duct forceps

n.膽道沖洗管 - bile duct irrigating tube

n.膽管刀 - bile duct knife

膽管障礙 - bile duct lesion

膽官結紮 - bile duct ligation

n.膽管結紮鉗 - bile duct ligature forceps

膽管腫瘍 - bile duct neoplasm

n.膽管探條 - bile duct probe

n.膽管鏡 - bile duct spesulum

膽管腫瘤 - bile duct tumor

n.膽囊管綜合征 - biliary cystic duct syndrome

n.膽管 - biliary duct

n.膽管病 - biliary duct cannula

閉塞性輪管病 - blunt duct adenosis

n.博塔洛氏管 - botallos duct

n.膽囊管石 - calculus of cystic duct

n.肝內膽管結石 - calculus of intrahepatic duct

n.膽管癌 - cancer of biliary duct

n.膽總管癌 - cancer of common bile duct

n.鼻淚管狹窄眥分離術 - cantholysis of naso-lacrimal duct stricture

頸動脈管 - carotid duct

頸管 - cervical duct

n.膽囊管綜合征 - cholecyst duct syndrome


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