London Barbican block of flats 倫敦望樓大塊扁平物圖片;Cayuse Flats 印第安馬房;flats 平跟鞋;鑽石薄片;曬版台紙;平板書寫紙;Shimmering Flats 微光平地;閃光平原;optical flats 光學平面;
1.Cerebratulus is commonly found on mud and sand flats into the intertidal zone. 腦紐蟲常見於潮汐地帶的灘涂和沙灘(不是深海)。
2.I was billeted in a block of flats in St John's Wood - luxurious before the lush fittings had been removed. 我給安排住在位於聖約翰木的公寓樓裡——極盡奢華,至少在原先的豪華傢俱都被移走前是這樣。
3.He set up a new world record in september 1935 at bonneville salt flats, utah. 他於1935年9月在猶他州的邦納維爾鹽灘創造了一項新的世界紀錄。
4.Sun-burnished waters from a lagoon—after its banks suddenly burst—pour across sand flats toward the sea. 從礁湖出來的給陽光鍍亮的水流—在流過堤岸後就突然爆發—傾瀉過沙地而通往大海。
5.Push the hose on and over all barbs and up to the wrench flats. 將軟管推到所有倒鉤上,直到接頭上搭板手的平面處。
Once he landed on the roof of a block of flats and on another occasion, he landed in a deserted car park. - 一次,他把飛機降落在了一棟公寓樓的屋頂上;還有一次,降落在了一個廢棄的停車場上。
The old lady was glad to be back at the block of flats where she lived. - 老婦人回到了她居住的公寓樓,心裡很高興。