meno-['menəu]comb.form= men-
meno- 釋義:與月經有關的;Presto-Assai meno presto-Presto 急板和稍微的急板;LOVING ALL THE TIME -ROGER MENO 永遠愛慕你;永遠愛慕 歌詞 下載 收藏;甬遠愛慕你;I Find The Way - Roger Meno (我尋得了奧妙) 英語;I find the way-Roger Meno 我找到了方法-羅傑.梅諾;我尋得了奧秘;我找到了方法;
1.The condition is twice as common in 65-year-old women as it is in meno hevsame age. 這種情況在65歲的婦女中發生的幾率是同年齡男性的兩倍。
2.Meno-War: The large capital ships of the age of sail, Meno-War would be the backbone of a modern navy at the outset of the game. 三桅戰艦:航海時代主要的大型戰艦。在遊戲開始時,三桅戰艦是一支近現代海軍的主力。
3.However, since there is little "commerce" for them to raid, these ships tend to be rather useless except as aid to a fleet of Meno-War. 無論如何,自從海上再也沒有什麼商船供其劫掠,它們的作用就變得很小了,除了作為三桅戰艦艦隊的支援外。