Oldsmobilen. 奧爾茲莫比爾牌汽車
Oldsmobile 奧斯莫比;奧茲莫比;奧斯摩比;奧爾茲莫比爾牌汽車;Oldsmobile Army 火星獨立吉恩軍;Oldsmobile Scramble 高爾夫球邀請賽;Oldsmobile Cutlass 奧茲莫比爾超短劍;OLDSMOBILE auto parts 奧茲莫比爾汽配;
1.In one of his first moves he decided it was futile to keep Oldsmobile. 他燒的頭幾把火之一是認為繼承保留奧茲莫比爾品牌徒勞無益。
2.A few years ago GM spent more than a billion dollars to buy out the retailers affected by its decision to eliminate its Oldsmobile brand. 通用汽車公司在幾年前放棄老品牌,該公司已花了近一十萬點零零億美元購買的影響決策的所有股份的分銷商。
3.Between 1908 and 1920, its founder, Billy Durant, bought 39 companies including Cadillac, Pontiac, Oldsmobile, Chevrolet and several parts-makers, but ran them as separate entities. 1908年至1920年間,通用的創始人比利·杜蘭特收購了39家公司,其中包括卡迪拉克,龐蒂克,奧茲莫比爾,雪弗蘭和一些汽車零部件廠商,但這些併購後的公司仍保持獨立運營。