oratory['ɔrətəri, 'ɔ:rətɔ:ri]n. 雄辯;演講術
oratory 講演術;雄辯;修辭學;雄辯術;Oratory School 歐拉托裡學校;judicial oratory 法庭演說;soapbox oratory 街頭演說;Valloni Oratory 海灣教堂;
1.But his gift for oratory might create a sense of shared sacrifice that will help him to muddle through. 但是他的演講天賦也可以產生一種共患難的感覺,能夠幫助他胡亂應付過去。
2.Its debate team has been one of the top teams in the area for decades, including a national champion in original oratory. 其辯論隊一直最關心的問題之一隊在該地區幾十年來,包括一個全國冠軍,在原來的小禮拜堂。
3.One reason why so many of Mr Obama's fans are disappointed is that he promised the impossible and—such is the power of his oratory—got people to believe him. 奧巴馬先生之所以讓這麼多的粉絲大失所望,其原因之一便是他作了不可能的承諾,並憑著他的三寸不爛之舌把人們都忽悠了。